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2015. 12. 10. 11:45 스크랩

우리가 사는 이 세상 그 어디에도 문제는 없다. 절대로 없다.

누군가 그 어떤 유명한 저명인사가 말한 것처럼 문제라고

말하는 그것이 문제다. 문제라고 여기는 그것이 문제다. 문제라고

생각하는 그것이 문제다. 문제라고 인식하는 그것이 문제다.

정말 문제라는 것은 정말 없다. 다만 인간이 만들어 낸 허상이다

불행의 씨앗. 불만의 씨앗, 인간이 만들어 낸 사상최대의 거짓이다


허나 정말 정말ㄹ 우리가 성송출세재벌돈을 성취하지 못하고

이룩하지 못하는 데는 한가지 딱 한가지의 이유가 있다.

무슨일마다 무슨계획마다 무슨...마다 빠짐없이 내뱉는 말,

하는 생각, 거대한 대 전제 [곡 필요한 그것, 절대적을 필요한

그것을 내가 가지지 못했다, 곡 필요한 그것, 절대적을 필요한

그것이 내게는 없다] 필요한 그것은 돈빽힘..등 뭐든 무관하다


이생각 이말은 초자연의 밀도를 지닌 불랙홀이다.

다른 모든 충분하고 넘치는 것들마저도 못쓰게 만들어 버린다

ㅅㅇ공출세재벌돈을 향한 발걸음으로 내딛지 못하게 한다






Hi Don Shah!

What keeps most people stuck? It is the underlying assumption that
we don't have what we need. It is the idea that we're missing
something. We need more of everything - you name it, we need it:
more time, money, energy, information, certainty, resources.
Without these, we tell ourselves, we can't do what we want to do.

This perception that there is something missing or we don't have
what we need to create what we want is the biggest source of
unhappiness and dissatisfaction in the world today. It is also the
greatest lie we tell ourselves. It causes us to dream about
"becoming" something big, to hold out for doing that one big thing
that is so big that we can't see a way to do it, let alone get started.

We have fallen in love with the idea of becoming more than we are,
and that very belief keeps us stuck were we are. We are on an
endless search for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, all
the while not realizing that we are standing on the pot of gold.

Many people travel their entire lives on this journey, believing
they will find true happiness when they finally get somewhere when,
in fact, they are lost right where they are.  

The reason people find themselves getting stuck is because they
don't think who they are is enough - enough to drop that weight,
get that promotion, close that next big account and be financially
independent. This causes us to resist the way things are for the
way we want them to be in the future.

Before you can create your future, you have to accept the way you
are right now. You have everything you need right now.

Here is an analogy:  

People living in scarcity and struggle see the cup as half empty.

People who are positive thinkers see the cup as half full.

People who understand their true connection to Source Energy see
the cup as overflowing.

But people who are living in the Flow and in Alignment know they
ARE the cup.

What's keeping you from seeing yourself as "The Cup"?

Today will bring you a new awareness, a lesson or a manifestation
that you are making progress - IF YOU LOOK FOR IT!  No matter how
large or small, please record it in your Evidence Journal. It will
only take a few moments and will AUTOMATICALLY put you in the Flow.

Truly Caring for Your Success!

Dr. Robert Anthony

'스크랩' 카테고리의 다른 글

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posted by bukook