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2015. 12. 11. 13:08 스크랩

벌써 꽤 오래 전 얘기다. 여의도에 구름 교인이 모이든 그 시절 조용기 목사께서 설교예화를 들면서

스포츠신문과 경제신문이 같이 있다면 어느 신문 먼저 집겠느냐고 물ㅇ면서 자신은 스포츠신문이나

주간신문에 먼ㅈ 손이 간다고 하는 말을 들었던 것같다. 우리 이 땅의 모두는 하나같이 이 땅에서

성공출세재벌돈을 맘껏 누리도록 이에 필요한 내외적인 모든 장치도구를 하나도 빠짐없이 창착하고

그리고 나서 최종 점검을 받고야 비로소 이 땅 지구 위로 보내졌다. 모든 인류 누구에게나 동일하다

그러함에도 성공출세재벌돈을 누리고 즐기고 영위해 나가는 이는 적다. 오히려  그렇지 못한이가

온 세상을 점령하고 있다. 왜 그럴까 정말로 왜 그럴까, 해결 방법은 있을까


이유 중 가장 근본적이고 핵심적인 제1요인은 우리 모두는 자신을 몰라도 너무 모른다눈 사실이다 

철학을 만하는것도 소크라테스를말함도 데포이신전을말함도 아니다. '나'라는 자신이 빌게이츠

스티브잡스 저크버거 알렉산드대왕 한발...등의 인물과 동일한 와넌군장을 장착한 채 이세상에

태어났다는 사실을 모른다. 설령 안다고 해도 안믿는다 못믿는다 믿지를 않는다. 거부한다.

자신이 성공한 유명한 동서고금의 위인들과 정확하게 동일한 도구장치를 장착하고 지금 여기에

존재해 있다는 사실이 믿어진다면, 믿어지기만 한다면 어떤 일이 일어날까

안색이 달라진다. 눈빛이 달라 진ㄷ, ㄱㄹ음걸이가 달라진다. 말씨가 달라진다. 주변여건환경에대한

반응이 달라진다...달라지나. 어느것 하나 달라지지 않는 것이 없을 것이다.


성공재벌출세돈은 시간무네일 뿐이다,.

무엇을 말하는가. 우리 모두는 '나'라는 자신에 대한 자존감믈 통채로 상실한채

그냥 인간존재human being로 있을 뿐이다.

자본론이 말하는 인간도 아니고 맑스가 정의한 인가노 못된다.


딱 하나 자돈감을 회복하자 자존감을 고양하자.

스레기통 옆에서 자고 일어나도 휘파람 불면서 세상을 희롱농울할 수있다

존경의 눈읋 '나'를 본다. 존중의 맘으로 '나'를 대한다.

자존감의크기높이넓이는 성공출세재벌에 정비례한다


How To Believe In What You Want To Attract

If you’re going to use the Law of Attraction as an effective tool, one of the most important things that you need to do is truly believe that you can obtain the things you want in life. Whether you’re longing for an ideal partner, a great job or a fit physique, know that you can meet your goals. Entertaining doubts or negative ideas merely inhibits your ability to get the things you deserve. If you find it difficult to really believe in what you want to attract, use these five steps to cultivate a different mindset.

1. Replace Negative With Positive

Each time you notice you’re feeling down or worrying that you will never meet your goals, reject this thought and replace it with an analogous positive thought. For example, firmly tell yourself that you are well on your way to finding the love of your life, that you know you can achieve your career aims, or that you will be happy again after your divorce. As you get used to replacing negative thoughts with positive ones, the process will gradually get easier.

2. Live Like You Have What You Want

Living like you already have that ideal partner, dream job or overflowing bank account can enhance your ability to manifest your goals. Although you might feel self-conscious or awkward at first, this exercise will begin to feel truly powerful if you do something like browse online for things you’ll afford when you’re more prosperous or buy a card that is addressed to your future spouse. Proponents of the Law of Attraction sometimes call this approach “living in the knowingness” and it is a lifestyle infused with positivity and confidence that can help to make you a more dynamic, magnetic person.

3. Read Success Stories

There are dozens of success stories revealing how people all across the globe used the Law of Attraction as a tool in transforming their lives. Reading these stories will connect you with the reality that learning how to use the Law of Attraction really can make an enormous difference to your happiness and satisfaction, helping you to get rid of lingering doubts about

4. Say and Write Affirmations

You probably already know that affirmations are a key part of using the Law of Attraction, but you may not have considered that they can be used to actually strengthen your belief in what you want to attract. For example, you might say “I know my soul mate is out there looking for me” as you look at yourself in the mirror, or you could say “Everything I did today is leading me towards a better life” before you go to bed at night. Repeatedly writing affirmations can make them even more effective, as can placing them on large pieces of paper that can be seen when you’re getting ready in the morning. Any message that connects you to the truth of your future happiness can be a valuable and powerful way of increasing the Law of Attraction’s pull.

5. Boost Your Confidence

Often, it is low self-esteem that underlies difficulties believing in what you want to attract. While difficult life experiences and painful memories of early life can make it hard to feel good about yourself, taking a positive perspective on your own worth is essential for using the Law of Attraction. Firstly, think about why you struggle with confidence issues, and dismiss the underlying assumptions that you discover. For example, you might remember being told you were unattractive when you were bullied at high school, but you can counteract this by focusing on the many times you have been complimented or asked on dates in adult life. Secondly, nurture the parts of yourself that make you most proud. Whether you’re physically capable, creatively talented or a great listener, hone these skills and make them central parts of your life. The more your confidence increases in response to consistently good results, the easier it will be for you to believe that you genuinely deserve the things you’re attempting to use the Law of Attraction to obtain.



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posted by bukook