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2016. 1. 19. 08:27 스크랩

날씨가 풉다고들 메스컴이 더욱더 움추려들게 한다. 내가 살던 그 시절 그 고향에서 내 국민학교시절

찬물에 새수하고 방에 들어 올때는 무쇠 문고리에 손 가락이 쩍ㅉ떡 닿하 붙었다. 더욱 가관인ㄱ세

방안에 자리끼로 갖다 놓은 물대접의 물이 살짝 얼어붙는 게 아니고 아예 대접에 꽝 얼어붙었다.

눈이 얼어 붙어 얼음이 되어 길거리가 빙판만 안된다면 겨울 정말 가슴이 뻥 뚫리는 멋난 계절이다.


우리가 살아 가는 세상은 오늘의 영하20도와는 비교가 안될만큼 견디기 힘든 엄청난 맹추위다.

다만 못느끼고 의도적으로 외면하고 있는 게 아닐까 싶다.

우리나라가 끼인 지정학적인 원인도 있겠지만ㅇ 우리는 의도적겸손 비굴한겸손 터무니없는겸손으로

자신을 더욱 춥게 초라하게 의기소침하게 미온적 소극적으로 이끌어 가고 있는 게 아닐까 싶다.

상공출세재벌돈의 첫단추 주요근본 원초적 바탕은 자신의 "성공출세재벌돈"의 성취ㅏ달성쟁취를

자신이 믿는 것이다,.


추운날씨 차가은현실에 나는 "성공출세재벌"의 존재 그 자체라는 확신으로

거만스런발걸음 오만한마음가짐 건방진자세로 나서면 그까짓것

한주먹꺼리도 안된다 


Here's a little reminder to feel
great about yourself today:

OMG! This couldn't have come at a better time, it's a negativity cleanse! How perfect for today's message!


Whether you're stepping into the boardroom or simply stepping into your day, believing in yourself is the key to feeling great, performing your best, living a great life and inspiring others to do the same.

However, it's not always easy to find your swagger and keep that pep in your step, is it?

Especially if you've recently encountered obstacles, losses or challenges that may have knocked you off track.

Here are a few tips to help you keep a positive mindset:

1. Sit Up Straight
Good posture is important. But it's not just a matter of keeping a hunchback at bay...when you sit or stand tall you actually feel better.

Slumping or slouching inhibits your breath, slows the function of your organs and makes you feel cruddy. Good posture on the other hand, helps more oxygen flow to your lungs, eliminates body aches and just plain 'ol feels better.

As you go throughout your day today, stand tall, sit up straight and consciously notice how you feel.

2. Throw Your Hands Up
In many cultures, winning is usually followed by hands thrust in the sky in a wide V shape. It's a natural physical reaction.

Who knows which came first but there's a direct correlation between throwing your hands in the air and feeling like a winner. Behavioral scientists have identified this posture as "The Power Stance."

Try it right now to get a boost. Hold it for 1 minute and you'll be unstoppable for the rest of the day.

3. Pump Up The Jam (My personal favorite!)
Music has a profound ability to physiology shift your mood.

Cultures all around the world have ritualistic and ceremonial dances. Sports stars plug in their favorite music before the big game. Professional speakers and entertainers play their "pump up" tunes before they go on stage.

Put together a playlist of your favorite tunes and listen to it daily. For an even greater impact on your overall well-being, add in some movement or sing your favorite songs loud and proud. You might get a few funny looks from the people around you but so what. Perhaps they will join in too!

4. Speak Positivity Into Your Day
Be your own locker room coach! As you are getting ready for your day, speak out loud and with conviction about how good you feel, how much you are going to accomplish, how you are going to make a difference for others and how you will show love for your friends, family and colleagues.

And if you want a lovely, relaxing & free meditation kit to help you cleanse away negative thoughts, it's right here:
Have A Magnificent Monday!
Lily Signature
Lily Jensen
Money Reiki Master, Energy Healer

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posted by bukook