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2016. 1. 26. 07:42 스크랩

간단하다 간단하다 아무리 간단하다해도 간단하다고 인식하고 인지하고

받아들이고 또 그렇게 믿지 아니하면 이는 로히려 혼란을 낳을 수도있다.

정말 간단 하다. 세상 모든 것은 나를 포함한 모든 것은 에너지로 이뤄져 있다.

아인슈타인도 얘기 한 바있지만 에너지는 없아지는 것도 창조되어지는 것도 아니다.


내 주변의 모든 것 너를 포함한 모든 것은 나의 에너지를 가져가고 이해하고

알아채리고 그 가져간대로 이해한대로 알아채린대로 그대로 되돌려 준다.

나가 생각하고 나가 믿는 그것을 나가 현실로 실제로 받아들인다

나가 부정적인 것을 생각하고 나가 부정적인 것을 믿고 있다면

나가 너로부터 받을 수 있는 것은 다만 부정적인것 오직 부정적인 것 뿐이다.


원하는 것이 되질 않고 바라는 것이 이뤄지고 있지 않다면

열심히 일을아니해서도 아니고, 운이 없어서도 아니고, 때가 아니어서도 아니고

다만 나가 생각하고 있는 것이 부정적이고, 믿는 것이 부정적이기 때문이다.


나가 생각하는 것을 믿는 것을 바꾼다면 거둬들이는것 받아들이는것 달성하는것

성공출세재벌돈의 도달에도 정도방향...에도 변화시킬 수있다


If you want success, happiness, greater wealth and
to achieve your goals you need to activate the
Law Of Attraction, so it works for you and
not against you.

You've probably heard of the law of attraction, after
all The Secret made it quite famous

The premise is simple: what you think and believe
is what you get.

Change what you think and believe you change your life.

Simple, right?

But you may not find it that easy to change your
thoughts and beliefs, especially if you don't know how.

Today I show you how you can activate the Law Of Attraction,
how to change your thoughts, change your beliefs and
change your life... read on and enjoy.


To attract what you want and to properly work with the
Law Of Attraction you need to change or shift your energy.

Everything in this world is made up of energy including us.

Other people pick up on your energy.
If it's positive you'll attract positive people
If you have negative energy, you'll always attract negative
people and negative situations into your life.

If you find you're getting exactly what you don't want
or if you find that you're not getting what you want then
there's a very good chance you're sending out the wrong energy.

In the end you'll attract what matches your energy.
Negative energy attracts negative situations.

Positive energy attracts positive situations.

It's really that simple.

So if you're not getting what you want
you're likely sending out the wrong energy.

Change your energy and you'll get what you want.

Your energy is based on your thoughts and beliefs.

Your subconscious mind picks up on your thoughts and
beliefs and goes out and creates situations that correspond
to your thoughts and beliefs.

Other people pick up your energy on a subconscious level.
They're not consciously aware of your energy but
they just develop a feeling about you based on your energy.

If you have negative energy you'll attract negative
people and negative situations.

At the same time you'll repel positive people
and positive situations.
This goes against everything you need to do to create a
positive and successful life.

This is how the Law Of Attraction works.
It's tied to your beliefs which your subconscious
simply follows. It attracts the people, situations
and opportunities that mirror your beliefs.

If you constantly think of the worst,
if you find that you're negative,
if you don't believe that you can ever achieve anything,
if you constantly complain,
if you always see the worst in situations,
if you regularly put others down,
if you're just a negative person you will develop
negative energy and in the end you'll
only attract more negative situations into your life.

In the end your negative energy makes your life
miserable and it becomes difficult to achieve your goals
and create the changes that you want.

At the same time you repel positive people
and positive situations.

So by being negative or by developing negative
energy things will continue to get worse.

Being negative is really a no win situation
and you should do everything that you can to
stop being negative and eliminate any negative
thoughts and energy that you have.

How do you turn things around?

Change the way you see things and begin eliminating
the negative thoughts and negative beliefs.
This will help change your energy so that you
begin attracting what you want.
Start directing your subconscious mind to bring positive
situations and people into your life now, just follow
the simple steps I share with you today:
Click Here To Learn More

To change your energy and get the law of attraction
working for you focus on positive situations,
understand that things will work out,
look for solutions instead of complaining,
be more understanding instead of getting angry,
try to look at things from a different perspective,
embrace changes and look for opportunities instead
of focusing on the problems and no longer
believing that the worst will happen.

As you continually change the way you think
and see things you'll begin to naturally
attract more positive situations into your life.

Studies have shown that those who are more positive,
kinder and more considerate stand a better chance of
achieving their goals and are more likely to
enjoy fulfilling lives.

Start changing how you think.
Create positive thoughts and positive beliefs.
Focus on finding solutions and you'll begin attracting
more positive situations into your life

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posted by bukook