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2016. 1. 24. 10:11 스크랩

일이 안풀어진다. 계획대로 되지 않는다. 맘 먹은대로 안된다.

의도대로 이뤄지질 않는다. 말한대로 안된다. ..안된다 않된다.

참 많은 이유 무수한변명 놀라운설명 많은경험들 등등이 있다.


그렇지만 가만히 자세히 들어다 보면 그 이유는 하나 오직 하나 뿐이다.


시간을 일직선-실제는 일직선도아니다-으로 본다면 바로지금이순간

현제를 기준으로 뒤로는 바람들어갈 틈도 없이 과거가 착살 붙어있어

마치 현재로 보일정도 이고 앞으로는 미래가 일체적으로 붙어 있다.

현제를 계획하고 오늘을 살고 지금이순간을 경영하면서

마음과머리는 과거의 '그사건''그일'을 떠올리면서 순간ㅇ늘 벗어나고 있다

과거를 죄책감으로 실망감으로 후회로 좌절로 몰악다지 않는다면

마땅히 지ㅏ금이순간이라는 오늘의 현제애 두어야 마땅할 터인데 미래를 배회한다.


바로 이 지점이다. 과거미래는 실상이 아닌 허상이다 허상에선 실물실제가

존재할 수 없다. 이뤄질 수도 어ㅗㅄ다. 잡히지도 보이지ㅜ느껴지ㅏ지ㅏ도 않는다.

실물실제 성공출세재벌돈은 '바로지금이순간' 이란 '오늘현제다'


'바로지금이순간'의 자신을 만나면 서 있는 그 자리가

바로 현금의 동산 노다지의 한가운데에 서 있음을 알게 된다.

 갈림길에서 방황하기엔 추운 정말 너무 추운 날씨다.

갈림길이란 게 갈려져있으나 쭈욱 이어져 있기에 시간 역시도

과거와지금현제이순간이 이어져있고 또 그 이어짐이 미래로 내일로 이어져 있다고 생각는다.

그러나 시간이란 존재는 오늘현재지금바로 이순간만이 고고이 존재할 뿐ㅇ니다.

이어져있다고 생각하고 믿고 느끼고 그렇게 생각는 것 자체가 허구다, 허상이다.

쉽게 말허ㅏ면 '과거''미래'란 없는 것이다

과거로 돟ㄹ아간 죄의식후회...이건 현실은 물론 실재ㅔ 자체가 아닌데 그곳에 거기에

맘이 가있고 생각이 집중돼있고 모든관심초점이 꽂혀 있다면 죽었다 깨나도 성공출세돈의

결실은 절대로 절대로 거둘 수 없다. 시간엔 갈림길이 없다. 오직 고고의 한 순간 뿐이다. 



Just like so many other people I had great plans when I started out. I dreamed about a life of success, passion and love and I wanted to help others achieve the same. And I accomplished a lot of what I set out to do, including some things I never planned on. I travelled the world, performed on stage and in movies, I trained dogs and was in charge of sales teams, and I found my calling to work as a coach. But these accomplishments did not come easy and were often accompanied by obstacles, failures and setbacks, and I started to wonder whether there wasn’t an easier way to do this.

Over the years, I’ve watched too many people ready to throw in the towel and settle for less because they felt it was just too hard to go on. They ended up resigning themselves to the thought that it was only dreams they had been chasing and that they were just fine. They settled for what they had, and yet there was this nagging feeling inside of them that there was “more” to life than they experienced. They just could not figure out what the problem was.

For years, I lived with those same ups and downs, until one day, I realized what the problem was: Most people (including ME) spend the majority of their lives wondering about the past and worrying about the future.

Did you know that a freaky phenomenon in human nature is responsible for most barriers in our lives?  The things we focus on are the very things we attract into our lives, and 99% of us focus on what we don’t want. We have a habit of reminding ourselves of the past and of all our feelings of pain and guilt, then we pile on top of that our stress and insecurities and build a giant scary vision of a worrisome future. This is our adult version of what I call the “monster in the closet” syndrome.

Did you know that its’ not money, nor lack of knowledge or resources but fear, procrastination and resistance that are the three main obstacles that prevent you from moving forward? And to make it even worse, these stumbling blocks are nearly impossible to overcome if you don’t understand their origin? It’s your unconscious mind that’s playing games with you.  Its job is to constantly remind you in ways you don’t even realize, using your experiences from the past and the beliefs these experiences have created against you. Like a soldier guarding a palace. Your unconscious can guard against your desires.

Did you know that by simply switching into a different state of mind you could eliminate these struggles? Unfortunately, while switching sounds like a simple task, it is not. It’s like telling someone to “Stop thinking for a minute.” Did you ever try that? Impossible, right? But controlling your thoughts, by staying in the “NOW” is entirely possible, and it doesn’t take a lengthy training course, any complicated meditations or a session with a psychotherapist.

I don’t want this to become more ‘work’ so I’ve created 3 quick tips to jog you out of your sticking point and place you back on the path you WANT to travel.  But I have to warn you: Reading this tips are NOT enough. They are quick and easy reminders, so read them and then USE them.

IF you don’t use these 3 tips –
You’re literally locking up your potential and
throwing away the key

Tip #1: Take Off the Blinders

We are all longing for a sense of order and predictability in our lives. We want to feel a sense of power over our world, and yet we always turn to the outside world, when the biggest power is available right here, within ourselves.

Forget about the past and the future, the only truth is right now, in this very moment. The source of everything is within you – you don’t need to rely on anything or anybody else, including me! It’s time to take off the blinders and truly recognize that there is no “higher power” but your own.  This is the first and most important step toward freedom

Tip #2: Throw the Boomerang

Let’s take a second to fully understand how the law of attraction really works. The first stage of creation is thought. Before anything manifests into physical reality, there is always a concept, visualization or idea that is given energy through our thoughts. The Universe responds to the kind of energy you are giving off. It does not discriminate between good or bad – whatever the strongest vibration is, is what receives the focus.

So, if you have negative thoughts and lots of worries, like a magnet, you’ll attract more of just that. In turn, if you have positive thoughts and you feel upbeat and happy you attract more of that. This is the law of attraction boomerang. What energy you throw out into the Universe, you guessed it, comes right back to you. Because remember, you have the power here (see Tip #1). With this power comes choice.  You can choose the positive thought, energy and vibration at any turn. And then watch how this simple choice determines what comes back to you...

Tip #3: Give Yourself the ‘Present’

Many of us get trapped in the past and future…the wallowing and what if’s can cripple us and rob us of our most precious asset, the present. When you bring your mind into the “Now”, magic happens.

You are in a state of positive energy and emotions, and you will pull into your life what you desire. When you are in this state, you realize that you are enough, that you are part of something amazing and that there are no limits to your possibilities. You instantly get inspired and become crystal clear about your way forward, and you shift into a place of power that helps you see the solutions. Give yourself the present and you will give yourself the power to transform your life!

“Now” IS the source of infinite creation and on my quest to find a solution (and as you might have sensed, I don’t give up easily) I finally discovered a process that allows you to bring your mind into the now. This unique process puts you in the now, on demand and easily. Why is that important? Because being in the moment is the key to make the law of attraction work.

If controlling your mind seemed impossible up to today, you’re not alone. I was exactly where you are and my journey led me to my three-step technique to bring your mind into the “Now”. This is the place where miracles happen and where you can attract a lifetime of happiness. It only takes 60 seconds and works every time and in any kind of situation.

So, What Do I Do Next?

Are you ready to release your negative emotions, free yourself from the past and future and receive the key to shift into the “now” where good things happen? If the answer is YES, you’re ready to get started on Unlock the Power of NOW, that features my 3 Step System, the Infinite Creation Cards, and the 3 Bonus Power Audios. Click the button below and we'll take you to the next page.

On the very next page, I’ll let you in on the specifics of my system, and how you can get started in less than 10 minutes from right now...

When you move your mind into the “now”
- all your problems vanish

Sure, I was still in debt - but when I focused on the moment, I didn’t feel badly. And in that new, positive state, I started attracting real solutions. Inspired ideas would pop into my mind. And when I took action on those ideas, the results were like magic.

It was as if being in the “now” gave me access to a higher power, a window to work miracles that were badly needed in my life.

And when I realized that “being in the moment” was the path to freedom, I went on a quest.

I wanted to figure out how to make it easier to “find the moment” and stay there long enough to get inspired, feel better, and more importantly clear the mental space needed to attract my desires.

Before this I was so focused on my problems, I was attracting more problems. But now I was in the moment, those problems were “gone” and I was attracting people, money and other resources that led me out of the darkness.

Through a combination of intuition, research, hard work
and constant experimenting I figured out a way to get myself
“in the now” any time I wanted

And it was so simple.

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posted by bukook