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2005. 11. 26. 11:40 스크랩

Womens loss of desire image

여인들의 성생활이 여러측면으로 나타나고 있으나 중요한 것은 내게 나쁜 것이 다른 사람에게도

나쁠 수가 없고 이 환경여건에서 좋은 것이 다른 환경상태에서도 좋을 수 없다는 것이다.

크게 4가지로 그 원인을 분류했는 데 근본적인 것은 성적욕망이 안일어나는 것과 성관계시 윤활유의

분비불능이라고 이는 주된 원인이 호르몬 지수의 저하라고 한다. 남자들의 전유물인 성기능 향상제

비아그라를 여인이 복용한 경우에 훌륭한 만족이 나타났다고. 또 성관계 공포 두려움도 성기능 장애의

한 원인이라한다. 남성이 31%가 성관계 불만인 데 비해 여성은거의 반인 43%가 성관계에 문제가 있다고.

여인들이 성관계에 만족을 얻으면 우리네 생과 삶 생활엔 엄청난 진확와 행복이...

4대 주요인은 성욕저하 성충동장애 올가즘불능 성교통증으로 분류했군요

When a Woman Loses Desire: Sexual Dysfunction in Women

Dissatisfaction with sexual life is widespread in both men and women. According

to a recent survey, up to 43% of women noted some sexual problem while 31% of men did.

The common sexual issues in women were a lack of interest in sex, inability to achieve orgasm, or pain during sex.

Unfortunately, pinpointing the underlying issues and conditions that cause sexual dissatisfaction can be complicated.

There may be both medical and psychologic issues involved. In fact, often several issues interrelate to affect

a woman’s sexual life.

Sexual Dysfunction Disorders

In exploring women’s sexual problems, doctors realize that a woman’s sexual life is personal. For example,

what may bother one woman may not bother another. And what may occur in one situation may not occur in every situation.

Still, doctors use a general classification system to help sort out the basis of a women’s dissatisfaction with her sexual life. This classification system includes the following four disorders:

  • Sexual desire disorder
  • Sexual arousal disorder
  • Orgasmic disorder
  • Sexual pain disorder

Importantly, the underlying assumption of all these disorders is that the sexual problems are causing significant

and on-going personal distress to the woman.

Sexual Desire Disorder

Sexual desire disorder is a lack of interest in sex that causes persistent personal distress. The lack of interest may

be not having sexual thoughts or fantasies, not desiring sexual activity, or not being receptive to a partner’s sexual activity.

A similar but more rare condition is having a phobia to sex.

Sexual desire disorder is one of the most common sexual conditions that doctors see. Its causes can vary from low

hormone levels to chronic medical illnesses to social or psychological issues. Often several factors interact to create

a situation of low sexual desire.

Sexual Arousal Disorder

Sexual arousal disorder is the persistent inability to become sexually excited both physically and mentally, and its

causes may be either physical or psychologic. Physical causes include low blood flow to the genitals or inadequate lubrication. Psychologic causes may include anxiety and stress.

Orgasmic Disorder

Orgasmic disorder occurs when a woman cannot achieve orgasm. Some women do not achieve orgasm with intercourse

or with their partners, but are satisfied with their sexual activity. This disorder is only considered if a woman is severely bothered by not achieving orgasm. Causes may include lack of experience, history of sexual abuse, medications, low hormone levels, or psychologic and social issues.

Sexual Pain Disorders

Sexual pain disorders include persistent genital pain with intercourse, called dyspareunia, and involuntary spasms

of the vaginal muscle, called vaginismus. Genital pain that occurs without intercourse also falls into this category.

Lack of lubrication is the most common cause of genital pain with intercourse. For example, up to 45% of women have dyspareunia after giving birth to a baby. Postmenopausal women may also experience pain with intercourse due to

lowered hormone levels, which reduce the natural lubrication of the vagina. Infections and inflammation of the vagina

or bladder may also cause these painful conditions.

A Combination of Factors

Some women may have more than one sexual disorder condition. In these cases, there are often many underlying

causes that interrelate. For example, a postpartum woman may have pain with her first intercourse after delivery because

of lack of lubrication. She may also lose interest in sex because she is tired from taking care of an infant. If her partner desires sexual contact more than she does, she may then develop some anxiety or lack of excitement during sexual activity.

Dealing With Sexual Dissatisfaction

Although it is difficult to discuss, it’s important to talk to your doctor about your concerns. There may be some simple evaluations available, like checking hormone levels, reviewing medication lists, or just providing reassurance about

what is normal.

Choosing the appropriate treatments will depend on what the main issue bothering a woman is and can range from

hormone medications to counseling. For problems that stem from psychological or social issues, individual or couples counseling is often helpful. For a lack of lubrication, over the counter lubricants can be effective. For post-menopausal women, estrogen creams can also help reduce pain with intercourse.

Recently, investigators have looked at the use of sildenafil (Viagra) in women. In December 2003, a study of

postmenopausal women with sexual arousal disorder found that women who took sildenafil had higher satisfaction

with sexual activity than women who took a sugar pill. More research is underway to help determine whether sildenafil

or similar medication will be as effective in women as they are in men.

In sum, a new interest in women’s sexual health has arrived. Currently, experts are encouraging more conversation, research, and the development of new treatments for women who are unhappy or unsatisfied with their sex lives.

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posted by bukook