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없으나 죄목엔 혐오가 포함되 있군요.참 억울하것다. 해보지도 못하고
물건만 손상을. 이 경찰 넘 하는 말 전기총이 상대적으로 아주 정확하니
정조준은 삼가라고..
Police hit man in genitals with Taser

Associated Press

FORT MYERS BEACH, Fla. - Police accidentally hit a naked man in the genitals with a Taser
after he was caught breaking windows and asking women to touch him, authorities said.
Jeremy J. Miljour, 26, tried to run away when sheriff's deputies approached so one of them
shot their Taser, said Cpl. Matt Chitwood. But one of the gun's prongs accidentally hit Miljour's
genitals and got stuck, Chitwood said.
"The Taser is relatively accurate, but when someone is moving like that, it doesn't matter
if you have a Taser, or a pistol. (Officers) can't aim," Chitwood said.
Miljour was treated at a hospital before being taken to the Lee County jail.
He was charged with indecent exposure, resisting an officer and criminal damage.
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