Hi Don,
"그래 낼모레가 새해로구나 내년에는 정말 한 판 거대한 성공을 해야지 2013 1 1이여 오서오라" "좋아서 담 주 월요일부터 시작한다" "ok 담 달 초하우부터 하자" "아니야 지금은, 그러니 좋은 때를 기다리자" "그래 난 큰 돈 벌어서 효도할거야, 작은 돈은 내가 쓰야지" "그럼 돈 벌어 완전해지고 장가 들꺼야" "..." 무수한 애기들호 무ㅅ한 이유들로, 무수한 사건들로, 무수한환경여간으로, ...로 결정을 미루고 , 지금을 회피하고, 오늘을 넘기고, 현재를 지나치고 있다.
'집에서 새는 바가지는 밖에 나가서도 샌다' 오늘을 내일로 미루면 내일은 또 다른 오늘이 되고 또 다른 내알로 미뤄진다. 지금을 피하면 또 다른 지금ㅇ는 절대로 결코 오지 않는다, 그러나 인간사람은 또 다른 지금이 오는 것으로 안다. 지금 해야 한 성공 지금해야 할콕표는 지금해야 한다. 내년내달내주내일로 미루고 연기하고 결정하는 것은 길고 긴 삶의 회전 속에서 하나의 본성이 되어버렸다. 왜 일까. 우리의 이런 사고와 행동이 우리네의 잠재의식고하 잠재ㅔ능력 속에 아주 자리를 잡았기에 미루고 연기하고 합이화 자기화 정당화 일반화하는 것에 아무런 물편도, 오류도, 불리함도, 무능함도, 게으름도, 패배감도, 수치심도, 가련함도 발견하거나 깨닫지 못한 채모든 것을 새해 새달 새주간 새날 좋은때 등으로 내몰고 있다.
새해부터 시작할 이유가 뭔가. 오늘 시작하자. 지금 시작하자. 한 걸음 빨라진다 한 발짝 더 가까워 진다, 드디어 무한의 능력 우주의 힘을 가진 내면의 힘, 나의자아, 잠재의식 잠재능력은 나의 명령을 대기하고 있다가 지금오늘 행동하는 주인인 나를 받들어 '나'성공출세재벌을 성큼 눈앞으로 다가 오게 한다
내년내일내달담주 새해는 마음의 희롱이다. 귀신씨나락까먹는소리다. 속지 말자. 지금ㄴ하자 오늘시작하자 지금오늘 외에 그 어던 것도 현실도 실제도 아닌 허상이요 그림자다.
Don't wait for tomorrow.
Don't wait for a New Year...,
Don't wait to get what you want.
No more waiting.
Today you can get what you want.
Today you take charge and succeed.
You can enjoy the success you want today.
You can get what you want today.
Another year is about to end,
A new one is about to begin...
Get started on your resolutions today.
So that you get what you want sooner.
It's easy to say:
"I'll start in the New Year"
"I'll start after Christmas"
"I'll start on Monday"
(does something magical happen on
Monday that I don't know about?)
These are just tricks that your mind
plays on you to get you to keep things as they are.
So that nothing changes.
So that you never get ahead, and never get what you want.
So that you keep postponing your success.
But you really want a better life.
You want to make more money.
You want to meet the right people.
You want to make the right choices.
And you can.
You can have all that you want and more.
Today I show you how to overcome these
tricks that your mind plays so that you get started today,
and so that you get what you want sooner.
So that your subconscious mind responds and brings
you exactly what you want.
Follow what I outline and you'll have
a terrific 2013 - Read on...
Decide what you want today.
Once you've decided tell yourself:
Now is the time I get started.
Today I achieve my goals.
Today I can achieve my goals.
You'll naturally think about putting things off.
You might hear yourself saying:
"Wait until the New Year"
"Wait until tomorrow or Monday."
It's just your mind playing tricks.
Getting you to put things off.
It only does that because that's what you're used to doing.
You've planted that habit on your subconscious mind.
So your subconscious forces you to put things off.
It gives you all the reasons to put
things off so that you don't take that first step.
But you don't need to wait.
You need to start now.
When you take that first step today
you'll achieve your goals a lot sooner.
Any thoughts that try to get you to put
things off are just negative thoughts.
These are blocks that have been planted
on your subconscious mind.
They have to be removed.
And you do that by deciding what you want,
telling yourself that you're starting now,
that you can achieve the success you want now,
And by directing your subconscious mind to
bring you exactly what you want starting today.
So take that first step.
Decide to get what you want today.
Choose to achieve your goals now.
Get rid of the blocks that stop you.
Tell your subconscious mind to bring
you exactly what you want today
Click Here To Get Started
Over the years you've conditioned yourself
to put things off, waiting for the right moment.
The end of a year signals a time of change.
So you think about setting new resolutions,
making some changes and you think about the
things you want to achieve next year.
Then a New Year begins and you think about
getting started, but for some reason you put things off again.
You postpone your success again.
That's because you've told your subconscious
mind to put things off until next year.
And then the next, and the next, and so on.
And so the cycle continues.
You keep putting things off and nothing changes.
So decide to start today.
Tell your subconscious mind that you're
going to achieve your goals now.
That you're going to get what you want now.
Your subconscious will bring you what ever you want.
Just give it the right instructions.
It's just waiting for you... now tell
your subconscious exactly what you want
Click Here To Get Started
If you're putting things off,
If you're not getting what you want,
If you're constantly struggling,
If you can't make enough money,
Then you're sending the wrong messages to
your subconscious mind.
You're giving it the wrong instructions.
You can make more money,
You can put an end to the struggle,
You don't have to wait until tomorrow,
Monday or next year.
Start today.
Give your subconscious mind the right instructions.
Get rid of those blocks that hold you back.
Get rid of the negative thinking today.
Get your subconscious mind to bring you what you want
Click Here To Get Started
"I love your course. I started working with your material
2 months ago. I was running low on savings and needed to
get some work soon. Within a few weeks I got a part time job.
Last week they just converted me to full time and now I
feel like I'm back on my feet. I know things are going to
be better for me. I have more confidence now and thanks
to your program I know how to direct my subconscious mind.
Your course explained everything and answered a lot of my
questions. Now I'm working on some additional goals.
I believe in myself and believe in my power. Thank you so much."
Amanda Kellogg, London, UK
You are a powerful person.
You have tremendous power.
Start directing that power so that it works for you
So that it creates what you want.
So that you achieve the success you want.
So that you get more done now.
Don't wait for tomorrow
Don't wait for next year
Don't wait until it's too late
You can achieve your goals now
You can get what you want now
You can direct your subconscious mind today
Click Here To Get Started
Wishing you tremendous success
Karim Hajee
Creating Power