인간과동물 사람과짐승 선과악 세련과천함 ... 그 어디 어느 곳에도 세상 아니 우주는 양면성으로 존제해 왔고 앞으로 양면성 안과밖 겉과속 빛과그림자 어둠과 밞음 보이는것과보이지ㅏ 않는 것의 이중양면으로 존재해 갈것이다.1년이 365일엇지요 앞으로도 일념은 365일일 것입니다. 2013년 365일 2013금년이 몇날이나 남아 있는지 생각해 보셨나요. 68일 남았네요. X-mas 년말 년초의 환희가 보이나요 아님그 반대의 상황환경이 먼저 피어나오는가요. 보십시요 바로 그것입ㄴ다. 삶 인생 연습이 없는 인간일생은 현실과 그 이면의 다른 보이지 않는 현실로 지금 진행되어가고 있습니다. 하시는일 세우신게획 등이 뜻대로 원하시는대로 계획대로 않되고 있다면 바로 그 보이느ㅜㄴ 현실에서 벗어나 보이지 않는 현실로 돌아서십시요. 그러면 ㅇ리 모두는 태어날 ㅋ대 주어진 화려한 나만의 화려한 빛나는 출중한 인생을 펼치며 주변 모두와 나누시게 될 것입ㅈ니다.
현실이 지금ㅇ니 어려우신가요. 그럼 그 뒤의현실 정반대의 상황ㅇ을 상상하십시요.그대로 그것이 바로 눈에 보이는 현실로 나타날 것입니다. 우주생성이래 남과북이 여러번 바뀌었습니다. 안과밖 속과바겉 바뀝니다. 정말 바뀝니다.
Hi Don
Here's a question I want you to ask yourself and be honest about when you answer it...
"What type of life are you living?"
No matter how you answered this question realize that you have just taken the next step in the right direction.
Because when you take the time and look at your current situation it actually allows you to use what is going on in your life right now as a guide to help you transform your life to where you want it to be.
Even if what's going on in your life right now is nowhere near the way you want it, just know that one fact alone is there to get you to shift your current situation to where you want it to be.
It is also getting you to be true to yourself.
The type of life you would love to live happens when you are being true and authentic to yourself.
Nowadays so many people are throwing around the phrases, "your authentic self", "authenticity", and a number of others that have to do with you being authentic and true to yourself.
Being your authentic self has everything to do with you embracing both sides of who you are. These both sides include you being happy and sad, saint and sinner, nice and mean, plus all of the other pairs of equal and opposite traits that every human being has.
This is also what makes you the perfect person you are.
And yes there is such a thing as you being perfect...
And yes there is such a thing as living in a perfect world, because we do.
The perfection that most people say is not possible is represented by the fact that both you and the world are two sided.
Those people who say, "you aren't perfect" or "no one is perfect", or "the world isn't perfect" are still looking for a one sided world and expecting "perfection" to be only the positive side and then when the "other side" shows up they'll say no one or the world isn't perfect.
So what does this have to do with the type of life you are living?
The type of life you want to live is really right in front of you right now. You just may not be recognizing it entirely.
If you see your life right now as not going the way you want, look for the opposite (the way you want it) and you'll see it in some form...
But it is there for sure.
It may seem a little fuzzy now but it certainly comes more into focus once you really get in touch with what's most important to you.
You are here to live a life of, "I love tos" and "I'm inspired tos" because it is your birthright.
As part of that birthright is the fact that you were born into brilliance and genius.
You are put on this Earth to shine and rise and to really share your unique gifts with the world...
And it all starts by really getting to know the amazing and magnificent person that you are.
Have a fabulous and inspiring day