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2015. 10. 24. 08:15 스크랩


어제 저녁시간귀가 길에 공항전철 역에서 근래에 새로이 등장한 듯한 종합병원에서

2016벽걸이 카렌다와 탁상ㅇ용 카렌다를 나누오 주는 데 너도나도 한두개씩 다 받더라

일단 괜찮은 참 괜찮은 '시간차'공격의 해결책 치료법인듯고하여 나도 모르게 기억해버려다.


인생길은 '나를찾는길;;나를완성해가는길'이라는 글을 어디선가 본 적이 있다.

여차하면 이는 추상이요 개념이요 철학이하고 뒷전으로 돌려버리기 십상이다,

그러나 이를 실제로 현실로 알고 도전하고 파고들고 닥달하면 재벌성공출세돈은

물론이요 생각지도 아니한 행복과만족 - 남이모르는, 알수도없는 - 을 누리게 된다.


'나를안다'는 것은 다만 오직 깨달음으로부터 온다. 깨달음? 더 어렵다 더몰겠다.

깨달음은 깨어있을 때 알게되는 느껴지는 인지되어지는 주어지는 어떤 일현상생각이다.

깨어있는 자만이 자기를 만날 수있고, 자신을 인식할 수잇고 , 자신과의 실제적인 인격적

대화를 나눌 수 있다. 깨어있을 수있는 방법 '사가지'가 올라왔다


첫째. 저널 일기 플래너 메모 다이어리를 작성하라

둘 . 자신의 행동 언어 생활 습관 일상사에서 그 '공통분모'를 찾아라

셋 . 외부에 비춰진 자신의 가치를 탐색하라

넷 . 독서하라.


이 넷은 자신을 더욱 예리하고 날카롭고 강하게 하는 그렇게 만들어 가는

자기 완성 - 성공출세재벌돈 - 을 이루어가는 성취해가는 날마다의 실천이다

파괴적ㅇㄴ  것들의 반복을 막아주고 하고자는 일-성공재벌출세돈-에 집중도운다

4 Fool-Proof Ways To Become More Self-Aware


There’s great validity to the expression, “Knowledge is power.” One of the most beneficial areas to learn more and operate from a place of strength simply is self-awareness.

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Here’s Why:

In the famous words of popular self-help expert and author, Dr. Phil: “You can’t fix what you don’t acknowledge first.” Self- awareness enables us to identify our needed areas of improvement to take the required actions to become better, while optimizing our efforts.

Self-awareness can help us to make more informed decisions regarding our health, careers, finances and relationships. For example, some time ago I noticed that when I consumed milk in the morning with breakfast, it caused me to have a headache and an upset stomach. After monitoring this reaction over a period of time, (and a little reading), I recognized, that though I love milk, I had become Lactose Intolerant. I modified my diet accordingly.

Self-awareness helps us to avoid destructive, repeated patterns of behavior (e.g. choosing mates that are emotionally unavailable, or excessive eating when we’re worried about a problem).

Accordingly, here are some timely tips to become more self savvy and improve your quality of life.

1.Keep A Journal

Journals are great for capturing everything from our inner-most feelings, to weekly spending habits, to stress factors. They are also a great way for us to be reminded of happy and fun times that we have shared with others. Write. Reflect. Assess. Act.

2.Factor In The Common Denominator

Though this may sound like a math application, don‘t worry; this is not a test. Consider this. When you analyze a series of troubling problems, bad breaks, work woes, or painful events, what’s common to those situations? Is it you? A friend? A place? A mindset? A defeating belief? Remember, the more you know, the more you grow. This isn’t a chance to blame yourself or others, but simply to find out where the issue may be.

3.Look Outside Yourself

Sometimes, when we’re too close to a situation it’s hard to maintain objectivity. Relationships with others then, can become a mirror to who we are and how we relate with the outside world. Ask a trusted friend or relative to provide needed input from their perspective. It’s good to know their thoughts.


Be forewarned: Books should never be used to remedy or diagnose severe medical, emotional, or financial issues. Still, there is a wealth of information within them for those seeking to live better, love smarter, and take greater control of the future. Particularly with titles that are authored by industry experts.

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posted by bukook