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2015. 10. 24. 08:52 스크랩

우리의 심장은 하루에 십만100,000번이상을 뛴다고 합니다.

하루의 심장박동수 심박수가 100,000회 이상이라는 것이조

그것도 아무런 오차 실수 등의 오류 없이 일정하게 규칙적으로 진행 한다.


인간의 의식 세포를 우주에 비유한다. 우린 그 우주를 모르듯

인간의 그 의식세포도 모른다. 지금 이시간 우주에 무슨 일이 일어나는지

지금 이순간 내몸의식세포에 어떤 일이 일어나는지 나도 그누구도 모른다.

바로지금이순간'100. 000,000,000.000 x 100,000의 활동이 의식세포육신에서

일어나고 있다. 자신의 의식으로가 아니다. 천부적으로 내재된 장착된

그 어떤 힘으로부터 이것 이런 것들이 행해지고 있다.


뭐라 부르든 관계없이 이는 존재하고 지금도 쉼없이

'그렇게 '탑재장착된대로 실행하고 있다.

우리 중 누구라도 이를 받지 않고 지구 이땅으로 보내진 이는 없다.

누가 이 내재된 장착된 탑재된 힘을 인식하고 이용하고 명령하는가가

성공출세재벌돈의 성취 그크기 그시기를 결정 한다





4 Beliefs That People Who Have Spontaneous Healings Share

Joe Dispenza On Using The Power Of Thought To Heal

Joe Dispenza, D.C.
Joe Dispenza, D.C. More by this author
Sep 08, 2015 at 02:30 PM 5 Comments


After years of interviewing people who have experienced spontaneous remissions and healings, I have discovered they share four specific qualities or beliefs.

Coincidence #1: A Belief That An Innate Higher Intelligence Gives Us Life And Can Heal The Body

Everyone who experienced a spontaneous remission believed that a higher order or intelligence lived within him or her. Whether they called it their divine, spiritual, or subconscious mind, they accepted that they could direct it to work for them.

This is nothing mystical. It is the same intelligence that organizes and regulates all the functions of the body. This power keeps our heart beating without interruption more than 100,000 times per day. This happens automatically, without care or cleaning, repair or replacement.

 Just now, some 100,000 chemical reactions took place in every single one of your cells. Now multiply 100,000 chemical reactions by the 70 to 100 trillion cells that make up your body. Do you have to think to perform even one of those reactions? Many of us can’t even balance our checkbooks or remember more than seven items from our shopping lists, so it’s fortunate for us that some intelligence smarter than our conscious mind is running the show.

Some intelligence is at work in us that far exceeds our conscious abilities, it’s incredibly complex workings take place virtually behind our back. Yet the only time they become significant to the conscious mind is when something goes wrong.

This intelligence knows how to maintain order among all of the cells, tissues, organs, and systems of the body because it created the body from two individual cells.

My subjects’ came to understand that if they tapped into this intelligence and used their thoughts to direct it, it would know how to heal their bodies for them. Their greater mind already knew how to take care of business, if they could only make contact with it.

The abilities of this innate intelligence, subconscious mind, or spiritual nature are far greater than any pill, therapy, or treatment, and it is only waiting for our permission to willfully act. 

Watch My Free Video Series And Learn How To Train Your Brain To Heal Yourself

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