두산이 20대를 명예퇴진 시킬려고 준감시 상태에서 아주 사소한 것들까지도
쉼없이 끊임없이 온종일 수시장의 시말서를 쓰게 했었다고 한다.
북한의 사정도 두산의 행위와 별반 다름없는 자기비판이라 불리는
구두시말서를 끊임없이 쉼없이 공개적으로 하게 한다고 한다.
두산과북한은 이런면에서 낙오자 루저 생산이란 면에서는 동일하지 않을까
시말서를 스라는 자가 있는가 기관단체가 있는가. 그런곳에 비젼있을까
잘못실수는 성장의 연료이고 실패는 성공의 기초석 든든한 기둥이다
365일이란 엄청난 길이로만 보이던 기간이 어느새 13일만을 남기고 있다
뒤를 돌아보며 후회하고 좌절하고 분개하고 뉘우치고 흥분하고 몸서리치고
가슴치며절규하고 소름끼치고 등어리식은 땀나는 ...하는 일을
년말에 새해를 맞으며 하나의 형식으로 의식으로 하곤한다
이런 '뒤를돌아보며' 자신을 못난늠으로 무능한넘으로 한심한늠으로
저질로 무가치한자로 모자라는존재로 덜떨어진사람으로 어리한놈으로
똑똑치못한놈으로 ..는 넘 놈 자 존재 인간 인물 것 사람...으로
자신을 얼마나 혹독하게 매정하게 무자비하게 ...하게 매도하는가
그런 대접을 판단을 평점을 판정 매김 ..등등의 꼬리표를 달아 주면서
그런 자신이 그런 나가 자신을위해 나를위해 일하라고 하는가
도대체 이런 터무니 없는 짓거리를 어디서 배웠는가 누가 가르쳤는가
이건 아니다. 뒤를돌아보는 비참한지난날을되씹는 행위는 마약 그이상의
위력으로 블랙홀이라는 이름의 낙오자 영원의루저로 점지해버린다
일ㄴ 짓거리는 급속히 무의식적으로 자신도 모르는 사이에 잠재의식에
뿌리가 박혀 일마다 '나같은게' 때마다'내주제에'등이 습관이 된다
나의꿈미무언가 자신의비젼이무언가 나의목표가무언가 ...무언가
자신이 원하는 그것을 그려 리를 달성할 방법을 생각하면 형체도 없는
지나간 것들은 스스로 다 물러 간다, 흘러간 물로는 물레방아를 돌릴 수없다
꿈을그리자 모교를정하자 백일몽이라도 좋다 괜찮다.
꿈 큰꿈 목표 거대한목표 갖자 정하자 수립하자
백일몽도 가슴에 품고 색을 입히고 받치고 구체화시키면 어느새 현실로 나타난다
Hi Don shah,
Now is the best time to start making those
changes you want, achieving your goals
and getting more out of life.
Not tomorrow, not next month. Right now
As another year comes to an end it's easy
to think about what didn't happen or what
you didn't accomplish. You may even look
back and think about what went wrong or
didn't work out.
Don't do that.
Instead, focus on what you want now, what
kind of life you want and think about making
those changes so you get more out of life.
If you look back, you'll just get stuck in the past.
When you think about what you want now, you
get let of of the past and you give your inner power
and your subconscious mind a new direction.
Your force your powers to help you make those
changes and create a better life.
You see your powers are always at work, always
creating and shaping your life. Tell them exactly
what you want and you'll enjoy a happier and
more rewarding life.
How you tell them is more important than
what you tell them. This is where most people
struggle - they don't work with their powers correctly.
I've spent more than 20-years helping hundreds of
thousands of people connect with their powers and their
powers to help them live a better, more rewarding life
Today I can do the same for you - yes you too can
work with your amazing power - just follow the
step-by-step process I've put together for you
Click Here To Learn More
You have the power to change your life, achieve
your goals and enjoy a more rewarding life.
However, you may not realize just how powerful
you are or how you can shape and change your life.
Instead, you may be leaving your life to chance,
hoping things will somehow change.
Maybe you've tried positive thinking or tried to
work with the law of attraction and still nothing
seems to change, you haven't moved further ahead
and you're nowhere near achieving your goals.
The reason: you're not actively working with your
power correctly. Instead, you're likely sending the
wrong messages to your powers - telling them to
bring you more of what you don't want.
This is a classic mistake and it's one that can
be easily corrected. All you have to do is make
some internal changes - and I show you, giving
you step by step instructions so you achieve more and
live the kind of life you want to live
Click Here To Learn More
Another year is quickly approaching. Plan to make 2016
your best year ever. You can guarantee your success
by working with your powers so you make those changes,
achieve those goals and live the kind of life you want to live.
Don't let another year go by, hoping and wishing things will
get better, only to be right where you are in 12 months.
Now is the time to take charge and turn things around.
Today you work with your powers and live the kind of
life you want to live - just follow the steps I share with you today
Click Here To Learn More
Wishing you tremendous success...
Karim Hajee
Creating Power