2015. 12. 23. 08:20
성공재벌출세돈을 향해 주변의식않고 여건불문하고 겁없이좌충우돌 ...하면서
여기까지 왔다. 기대 이상의 엄청난 돈도있었고 가슴스런후회도 교묘하게당한일도..
여럿있다. 아침마다 새벽마다 때마다 시마다 날마다 긍정궁정...또긍정 뇌이며
일기장에 다이어이에 플랜너에 매모랜덤 낙서 등에 적고 쓰고 그리고 끄적이고...
그렇게 꾸준히 쉼없이 정말 끊임없이 한 해를 살아 왔다. 돌아 보면 성공전문가로
세계적 유명인들이 거액을 받으며 하는 강연의 주 내용이다.이를테면
11. 자신을 자신의능력을 확신하라
22. 근면성을 유지하라
33. 위기에 과감하라. 강풍을타라 높은파도에자신을 던져라
44. 남을중요하게여겨라. 허나결코자신의힘을남에게던지지마라
55. 열린마음을견지하라. 닫고조심하고경계하면
자신에게허락된복행운축복럭키도 다막아버리게된다.
66. 한계자신의한계를인정하라. 매달리지말라 다른쪽문이열려있다
77. 성공출세재벌돈을향한열정계속불태워라
백일몽도허황한꿈도좋다. 그려라쓰라끄적여라
그러면 놀라운일 성공출세재벌돈은 자신이정한그낡시간
D-Day에 자신의눈앞에나타난다. '15여드레를남기며...
Simple Secrets by Kathy Davis
- Believe in yourself. Always stay true to what makes you unique and trust your gut. See your differences as strengths rather than handicaps. And, instead of comparing yourself to others...be inspired by them!
- Work hard. Pure and simple. Ideas aren't worth anything unless you put them to work. You have to be responsible, dependable, disciplined and never stop learning or growing.
- Take risks. It's O.K. to be afraid but you just have to plunge in anyway. This isn't easy, especially when it feels like the tide is against you, but it's just necessary to take rists in order to stay fresh and relevant. You will make mistakes but your efforts will also make a difference. Just take a deep breath and step out of that comfort zone!
- Keep an open mind. Be willing to adapt and change when you need to. Adjust your sails to catch that wind. Be strong...yet flexible and resilient...like bamboo...and bend rather than break.
- Accept your limitations. Be willing to ask for help...and be able to say "no." There's no way you can be everything to everybody all the time! Surround yourself with good people and enlist their help when you need it most.
- Treat others with respect and kindness. That golden rule never, ever goes out of style.
- Never stop dreaming. Your visions can guide you to great things...but you need to be patient and don't give up on yourself or on an idea that might seem slow in coming. It just might need a little more time to germinate and become strong.