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2012. 9. 10. 09:34 내면으로

Hi Don shah,

경주 돌이면 다 옥돌인가

생각은 엄청난 괴력을 가지고 있다. 생각은 '나'너그대에게 더 많은재산을, 더멋진행복을, 더위대한성취를, 보다더폼나는성공을 가져다준다. 물론 생각은 지금보다 훨씬더나쁜, 더못한, 더추한, 더조잡한, 더빈군한 실패를 가져다 주기도 한다. 그러나 그러나 말입니다. 모든 생각이 다 하나 같이 성공이나 싨패를 가져다 주는 것은 아니랍니다. 힘이 없는생각, 매가리없는생각들, 에너지없는사고들, 호ㅓㄹ력없는신념들 이런 것들은 전혀 생에 아무런 영향을 미치지 못한답니다. 다만 잡초만 나날이 무성해지고 그 잡초 속에서 무서운독버섯, 맹독의독사, 무시무시한박테리아, 치명적인세균들이 우글거릴 뿐이지요.

자 보세요. 수영장이 딸린 저택을 갖고싶으신가요, 아라비아신명마를타고달리는운동장이딸린 영주저택을 원하시나요, 레드카펫위의아카데미주연상을안고싶어긴가요,... 좋습니다. 예 아주 좋습니다. 지금 당장 그 수영장에서 즐기는 자신의 모습을 그려보십시요, 황홀하게 말입니다. 지금 기십억하는 아라비아산 명마 우ㅟ에 멋진 모습으로 승마를 즐기는 '나'자신을 만나보십시요. 아카데미 주연상을 손에 들거 가펫 위에서 세계적 미인미남 만인으로부터 축하와 흠모를 받는 '니'자신을 만나보십시요. 아랫도리에 힘이 생기고 전신이 일어나고 호흡이 빨라지고 뭔지 모를 불덩어리가 가슴늘 휘몰아치지 않으신가요.

정서와 감정과 느낌이 수반되고, 동반되어지는 생각은 무서은 에너지 활력을 발산하게 되고 '나'자신의 일샐일상을 창조하는 잠재의싟잠재력은 활력을가진생각, 에너지를뿝는 신념을 즉시 접수하고 '나'그대를 위해 그것을 실제로 '나'자신의 코 앞에 현실로 이루어진답니다.

정답은목표를 향한  어네지가 있는 생각, 활력이 있는 신념을 갖는 것입니다, 오감으로 충족되어지는 느낌을 담으십시요, 육감으로 확인되어지는 감정정서로 포장하십시요. 그냥하는 생각 잡념ㄴ은 무서운 성폭력적,  잡초를 창조성장성숙시킴니다


Your thoughts have tremendous power.

They can bring you more wealth, more happiness, success
and help you overcome setbacks while achieving your goals.

Or they can lead you to struggle, failure and poverty.

Not every thought will impact your life.

Only those thoughts with the greatest amount
of energy will decide if you succeed or fail.

Thoughts filled with positive energy will lead
to greater success and bring you what you want.

Thoughts filled with negative energy will
lead to more failure and create blocks that
prevent you from succeeding.

You get to choose your thoughts.
You can choose to have thoughts filled with
positive energy, or you can have thoughts
filled with negative energy.

To get what you want you have to fill your thoughts
with positive energy.
It's a sure way to guarantee you succeed.

Today I'll show you how to take charge of your
thoughts, and fill them with positive energy
so that you get what you want in life and so
that you put an end to the struggle and pain. Read on...


Your thoughts are powerful forces packed with
tremendous energy.

Each thought is picked up by your subconscious mind.

Your subconscious then responds to thoughts that
have the greatest energy.

Negative thoughts have negative energy.
Positive thoughts have positive energy.

Thoughts that are filled with emotion, and
are supported by a corresponding belief have
the greatest energy.

And it is these thoughts that your subconscious mind
picks up on and follows as instructions.

Your subconscious will create your life based on
your thoughts that have the greatest energy.

Even though you may think positive from time to time
you will continue to struggle if you have negative
thoughts that have greater energy.

And the opposite is also true.

You may have some negative thoughts but you'll
thrive and succeed if you have
positive thoughts that have greater energy.

You have the power to choose your thoughts and fill
them with positive energy so that you make more money,
meet the right people and make the right choices.
So that your subconscious brings you exactly what you want.
Take control of your thoughts today and start directing
your subconscious mind to bring you what you want
Click Here To Get Started

Create positive thoughts that are packed
with positive energy.

Think of what you want.
Now think of having what you want.
Fill your mind with the joy of getting what you want.

You have what you want.
Enjoy the feeling of having exactly what you want.

When you do that you have positive thoughts that
are filled with positive energy.

So do what I just outlined everyday.

Next create positive beliefs that support
those positive thoughts.

Then you have to get rid of the
negative thoughts and negative beliefs.

So that you have fewer negative thoughts,
less negative beliefs, and even less negative energy.

That's when you'll get what you want quickly and easily.

That's when you'll remove the blocks that
are holding you back.

And you'll start directing your subconscious
to bring you what you want so that you enjoy your life.

Your thoughts are powerful forces.
Fill your mind with thoughts that lead to success.
Create positive thoughts with positive energy.
Support them with positive beliefs.
Get rid of the negative thoughts and negative energy.
Give your subconscious mind the right instructions.
So that it brings you exactly what you want
Click Here To Get Started

"I got your course at just the right time. I had
just lost my job and was feeling a little down on myself.
I put on your CD and started listening. Everything you
said rang true and I immediately started working on my
thoughts. There were so many negative thoughts that had to
change and as I started doing the exercises I
began to feel better and more optimistic.
After working with your course for 3 weeks I got
4 interviews. I then applied your
program to make the right choice and I did just that.
Last week I was promoted to a Manager position.
I've been with the company just under a year.
I'm now using your course to meet the right man so that
I can live out my life filled with love. Thanks Karim. I'm
looking forward to more and more great things."
Rebecca Wales
Charlotte, NC, USA


You have tremendous power.
Work with that power.
It all starts with your thoughts.

When you create the right thoughts you'll be
able to get that better job.
You'll be able to make more money.
You'll meet the right people.
You'll make the right choices.
You'll get what you want.
Start changing your thoughts and
direct your subconscious to bring you what you want today
Click Here To Get Started

Wishing you tremendous success...

Karim Hajee
Creating Power




Follow Me On Twitter
I'm sending positive messages and positive vibes through
twitter to help you stay motivated, focused and attract
great things into your life - so follow me on twitter and
get your positive and motivating tweets
Click Here To Follow Me On Twitter









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posted by bukook