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2012. 9. 9. 15:03 내면으로

Hi Don shah,

한 번만 더 찍어면 금맥이 나타난다오, 새벽이, 아침이 열리는 새벽이 가장 어둡다지요. 이제 곧 ㅜ석이 오고, 가을 운동회가 끝나면 대청봉 첫서리에 첫얼음 소식까지 지난해처럼 또 그렇게 알려지겠지요. 그럼 4/4분기도 끝나는 년말이 x-mas가 총알같이도 빨리 달려 들것입니다. 년초의 계획은 잘 진행되시나요, 노때요 목표치는 어느만큼에 와있으신가요, 설정한 정상을 향한 8부 능선은  언제 넘어셨나요. 그러셔요, 아무염려 걱정하지마십시요. 그목표 그정상 그성공은 '나' 너 그대가 생각하는 것보다도 훨씬 가까이에 와 있습니다. 그대 차의 사이드 미러에 나타나지 않는 바짝 붙어 있는 것처럼 말입니다. 정말이지 그목표 그성공 그정상은 손만 쭉 뻗으면 바로 닿을만큼 가까이에 있습니다.

문제는 '나'너그대를 그 성공 그목표 그정상에 도달하지 못하도로 바지가랭이를 잡고 늘어지는 것들을 제거하는 일이다. 못가게 할 뿐만 아니라,포기하도록하고, 돌아가도록 하기도 한다. 참으로 혼란스런 것은 이런 것들의 은밀한 유혹이나 협박적인 강제나, 으르렁되는 협박을 알지도 못할 뿐만 아니라 설령 안다고할지라도 그냥 무시해버린다. 무시해버리고 지금처럼 그냥 사는 게 네게는 아주 편한 안전지대safe zone 익숙한 여건환경이기때문이다. '나'의 성공출세길에 앞을 가로 막는 장애물블록이 그럼 뭣이란 말인가 "성공의길은험난하다""돈버는건어렵다""자본부족이라안된다""시간이절대로모자란다" 등등 안되고 못하고 더열심히 해야하기에 난못한다가 바로 이 장애물이다.

올바른 선택으로 내목표 내출세 내성공이 선별 결정되었으면 적절한시간에 적절한일을 행하면 그 곳이 바로 성공을 건지는 곡이다. 적재적소부다 적시적행이다. 적시, 올바른시간, 딱밪는시간,...시간은 그럼 어느 땐가. "지금"바로 이 "순간"이다. 바로 이 순간에 바로 성공을 향하는 그 일을 행하라


You're closer to succeeding than you think.

Your success is within reach.
And you can get what you want very easily.

As soon as you take charge and get rid of those
blocks that are holding you back.

Blocks like thinking that it's hard to succeed.
Or that you have to work hard to get what you want.

Over the year's you kept hearing that
success is hard.

Or that you have to work hard to succeed.

But success isn't about working hard.

Success comes quickly and easily when you
do the right things at the right time.
When you make the right choices.

If you're not enjoying the success you
haven't made the right choices at the right time.
You're not doing the right things.

Now you can put an end to that.
You can start doing the right things.
And you do that by giving your subconscious
mind new instructions.

So that it forces you to make the right choices.

That's how you turn things around.
That's how you create the success you want.
That's how get what you want in life.
So stop trying to work harder.
Stop beating yourself up.
Stop trying to figure out what went wrong.
Instead, believe in yourself and your ability.
Believe that you can and will succeed.
Start programming your subconscious so that
you automatically do the right things at the right time
Click Here To Get Started

You are a powerful person.
More powerful than you realize.

You can attract and create the situations you want.
Choose to achieve your goals.
Choose to be successful.

Decide what success means to you.
Then get your subconscious mind to
bring you exactly what you want.

Years ago I struggled to be successful.
I was living paycheck to paycheck and
just barely making ends meet.
I was struggling in my career.
My relationships were a mess.

Then I discovered what it takes to be successful.
It was a lot different than I thought.

I started applying some simple steps.
Changed my thinking.
Changed my beliefs.
Got rid of the blocks that were holding me back.

My life turned around.
My career skyrocketed.
I made more money than I thought possible.
I met the right woman and have 4 kids with her now.

I want you to have your success.
I want you to live the life you want to live.
I know you can when you apply the simple steps that I followed.
Click Here To Get Started

Choose to be successful.
Choose to make the right choices.
Choose to live the life you want.
Start using your power to make it all possible.
Click Here To Get Started

Wishing you tremendous success...

Karim Hajee
Creating Power








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posted by bukook