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2015. 12. 6. 14:18 스크랩

우리네 영혼도 마음도 생각도 심지어 몸뚱이까지도 에너지라는 氣기라는 것은 누구나도

다 아는 사실이다. 뿐아니라 우리가 흔희 언급하눈 하늘도 우주도 동일한 에너지로의 기다.

물론 돈도 동일한 에너지 인 데 다만 그 에너지의 파장과 크기가 다를 ㅃ문이다.

같은 것은 같은 것끼리 모이고 같은 것은 같은류의 것을 끌어들인다는 유유상종도

아주 잘 알고 있다. 그런데 왜 그 동일한 에너지 기氣를 못 불러들이고 끌어들이고 있을까


여러가지 자잘구레한 요인사유들이 있다 글나 그중 가장 중요한 이유 중의 하나가

돈을 끌어들일려면 돈의 에너지氣를 발산해야 하고 성공재벌출세를 불로들일려면

성공재벌출세의 에너지氣주파수를 방출송출해야만 하는 데 우리 거의 모두는

그 에너지氣파장주파수를 붙들어 놓고 자신에게 붙들어 매어 놓고 있기에

자신의 에너지氣파장주파수가 자신의 주변에 꽉 들어차 있는 성공재벌출세돈의

에너지와의 만남접촉결합이 못이루어지고 있다.


자신ㅇ늬 에너지氣를 풀어놓아 원하는 바의 그 어너지기氣를 만나게 하라

성공재벌출세돈 어떻게 만들 것인가라는 문제에대한  집요함을 버려라

그 순간 자신의 에너지氣는 우주를 향한다 성공출세재벌돈을 향한다 



The Three Main Laws for Conscious Creation

There are three main laws for conscious creation. They are the law of attraction, the law of detachment and the law of God Action. When you know these three laws, you’ll be able to create your perfect reality like a master. This trinity of laws form the perfect creation of all reality. You would experience what you would call the perfect life by using these three laws together. Perfection is the result of the perfect working of universal forces. Perfect understanding of universal forces enables perfect reality creation.

The law of attraction states that energy attracts like energy, and what you focus your mind on is what you attract. Knowing the law of attraction is the first step that turns you into a conscious creator of your reality. You know that you create everything with the power of intention. You become conscious of how everything you experience is created by you. With the awareness of this universal law, you become awakened and live life like a lucid dreamer. You are creating consciously instead of unconsciously.

The law of detachment states that creation is free to be worked on by the universal mind when you mentally and emotionally detach from your intention. Knowing this law enables you to allow your creation work to happen without sabotaging it. Spirit is free and unbounded, therefore when you let go of your intention, you are expressing your true nature as a free spirit. By resonating as your true self, you allow it to carry out the work of creation fully. Detachment allows your creation work to happen unhindered.

The law of God Action states that it is the universe itself that is creating through you. Knowing this law enables you to allow all your creation work to be guided by a higher power. You know that your existence in this dimension is simply a channel for the universal mind to express itself through. Your personal creation is meant to be a portion of the universal creation that is in progress. When you create from this level, your intentions are in alignment with your higher self, therefore everything works out perfectly.

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posted by bukook