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2013. 4. 29. 10:46 기본

The Pebble in the Shoe
5 Steps to a Simple and Confident Life

After selling Successories about seven years ago, I started Simple Truths. In those seven years, we've had the privilege to publish over 100 inspirational books written by some of the world's top authors, i.e. Ken Blanchard, Brian Tracy, John Maxwell, Zig Ziglar, to name a few. I'm also pleased to say that some of our books have sold over one million copies. However, of all the books we've published, the book we're releasing today, by Jim Fannin, is my favorite, and in my opinion, has the greatest potential to change your life. It's called The Pebble in the Shoe.

Jim Fannin is an amazing person. As a sports performance coach, he is considered the best in the world. Jim has privately coached hundreds of professional athletes for 10 sports, including 25 major league baseball All-Stars, an Olympic gold medalist, 7 of the world's top 10 ranked professional tennis players and 10 golfers to win their first professional tournament.


The Pebble in the Shoe

난 지금 나의 삶을 살고 있다고 자신있게 확실하게 말할 수 있나요. 지금계신그곳, 지금하시는그일 이 모든 것이 내가 계획하고 목표하는 그것들을 얻기위한 것이라고 당당하실수 있나요. 인형극을 보신적이 있으시죠. 인형들의 작ㄱ소 큰 모든 동작은 인형극을 행하는 이의 손에 잡혀 있는 끈의 당김과 놓음에따라 팔다리가 움직이고 입이 열리고 닫히고 몸이 움직이고 행동ㅇㄹ 합니다.지금하시는일 지금계시는곳이 자기목표 자신의비젼에따른 것이 아니라 생각의 당김과 놓음에따라 놀아나고 계시는 것은 아니신가요. 자신의 목표비젼은 말이 없고 강요도 없고 큰소리도 내지를 아니하나 그대의 생각은 급하다고 중요하다고 고래고래아우성이고 또 협박하고 위협하고 강요하고 별별 짓을 다합니다. 그래도 난 안그렇다하실 수 잇습니다. 그러나 정상인이 하루에 하는 생각이 2,000~3,000이라고 합니다 한시간에 150가지나 한다구요, 아차하면 '나'를 잃어버리고 생각에 놀아나는 생각의 꼭두가시일 수 있습니다


In addition, Jim has personally trained tens of thousands of corporate executives and hundreds of companies from 50 industries in peak performance. From leadership teams to sales organizations, Jim's thought management systems have made an impact.

The first time I met Jim, he said this: "When I speak, I tell people this: 'I can't make you a champion, but I can teach you how to think like one.'"

And that's what I love about this book. Not only do the principles work in sports and business, they work in life for anyone wanting to reach their full potential.

In a nutshell, this is a book about what is holding us back to be the best we can be. And more importantly, not only does Jim help you to understand the problem, he offers you the 5 simple, but powerful, tools to correct it.

Today, I'd like to share a brief excerpt from The Pebble in the Shoe...5 Steps to a Simple and Confident Life, by Jim Fannin. Enjoy!

An excerpt from
The Pebble in the Shoe
by Jim Fannin
There is one thing for sure in your life. Twelve months from now you will either be better or worse. You won't be the same. Will it be a roller-coaster ride to what you want, will it be two steps forward and one step back, or will you just go straight to your goals and visions? What's holding you back from business success, marital bliss or parenting nirvana? More than likely it's under the radar or below the surface of what you think. Maybe, it's like a pebble in your shoe that's irritating, uncomfortable, nagging and eventually crippling.

The average person has 2,000 to 3,000 thought per day.

On the days where life seems out of control and the "tail is wagging the dog," you may have 4,000 thoughts. Most thoughts are about the past. However, a great proportion of them are focused on the future. You cannot hold a future and a past-tense thought at the same time. It is one or the other. And a few thoughts are locked-in the moment. As you get older, present tense thinking diminishes. Throw in the cell phone, voicemails, e-mails, Tweets, Facebook, texts, FedEx, fax and world news in real time, it's no wonder present-tense living is dwindling.

Most pebbles originate from the past, with all of them negative. You can have experiences as far back as childhood that still tiptoe into your subconscious mind. They can even penetrate the consciousness of our daily actions. Over and over, we can play past tense thoughts that weigh negatively on our mind. They begin so innocently. Some are based on fact while other thoughts are based on assumption. Some are not true at all. Most are based on fear.

You have either positive or negative thoughts, but you can't think them at the same time. And the best news of all is you have free will to have any thought you choose. However, some negative thoughts can creep into your mind like a pebble in your shoe.

Like a puppeteer, your thoughts pull the strings of all your actions.
Today, here's my question for you:

Would you like to learn how to clear your mind of indecision, uncertainty, confusion and fear?
If the answer is yes, then The Pebble in the Shoe is a must-read.

Today, I'm pleased to offer The Pebble in the Shoe for our introductory price of only $12.00. Our regular price is $15.95, a 25% savings.

For more information, just click here.
E-book now available
Make sure to share this e-mail with your friends, family and co-workers. They'll thank you for it!

All the Best,

'기본' 카테고리의 다른 글

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posted by bukook