The only reason why you may not have the confidence you want is because you focus on the wrong things. Over the years I've been able to study and work with some of the most confident people and some of the not so confident. I've discovered that those who are confident just seem to think differently. They see things differently and they focus on different things. Confident people focus on their strengths, not their weaknesses or limitations. They work on those weaknesses and limitations so that they don't have an impact on their life. But they focus on their strengths. They think of how and why they can do something. In social settings they'll focus on saying and doing the right things. They'll talk about what they know - not what they don't know. They believe that they can be comfortable in just about any situation. And the reason they believe this is because they have a thought process that allows them to exude confidence all the time. Now you can have that same level of confidence. First start by focusing on your strengths, not your weaknesses.
Then focus on your positive qualities, think of all the reasons why you can do something and why people should trust you and like you. Improve in the areas where you feel you have limitations and work on being better at those things you're not so good at. Change the way you see yourself and the way you see others.
Be positive and focus on why you can. Feed your mind and subconscious mind positive statements that will help you increase your confidence and self-esteem. I've created a powerful program that will fill your mind with positive statements and affirmations that will help you succeed. And the best part is you can simply hit the play button, go about your day and let the program do the work for you. As you work with this powerful program you'll begin to increase your confidence,
change the way you see yourself, and begin to believe that you can and will be comfortable in just about any situation. You'll star to exude the confidence that you've always desired
Remember... Focus on your strengths. Focus on your positive qualities - I suggest you put a list together and read it every day. Change the way you see yourself - you're capable of doing anything you want.Increasing your confidence is something you can do quickly and easily. Think about how you can make a difference and focus on saying and doing the right things in all situations. Feed your mind and subconscious mind the positive statements to help you succeed and keep playing those statements in your head everyday Start today...
Right now start thinking about all your positive qualities. Think about what a wonderful person you are... walk with that bounce in your step... Believe in yourself and believe in your abilities... you are a powerful human being capable of achieving magnificent things...
그들은 그들자신이 아는 것만을 말하지 모르는 것 누구나에게 다 알려진 것을 말하지 않는다. 또한그들은어떤 상황에서라도 기분 좋은 생활을할 것이라고 믿는다. 왜냐하면 그들의 사고생각의 과정에서 일어나는 이화학적작용이그와같은 확신이 항상 스며나도록하기때문이다.
지금당장 그대도 할 수 있다. 자신의약정부족한계제한이 아닌 자신의 힘능력파워에 초점을 맞추기를 시도하라, 그리고 다음으로 그대의 긍정적인 면에 초점을 맞추어라.그대자신이 그 일, 그것을 할 수 있는 모든 이유를 생각해보라. 자신이 자신을 보는 시각눈자세태도방법을 바꾸어리, 예전에 어렵다 못한다는 것에 도전하여 과감히 해치우기를 시도하라. 남을 보는 시선도 바꾸어라 나의 힘파워강점능력을 과감히 주장하라. 긍정적인 시선태도로 할 수 있는 이유에 초점을 맞추어라.
자기암시 자기긍정 자기존경 자기실현 등으로 의식과 잠재의식에 긍정을 공급하라. 어떻게 달리 남다르게 일할지를, 관찰할지를생각하라. 그대자신을 믿어라. 그대자신의 능력을 믿어라. 그리고 활기차게 활달하게 뒷축을 울리며 걸어라.