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2005. 11. 29. 11:29 스크랩


캐나다 동부 주도 퀘벡에서 15세 소녀가 남자 친구랑 키스한 후 땅콩 알레지로

죽음의 나라로 갔다고. 땅콩 버터 스낵을 먹은 남자 친구랑 키스를 한 후 죽었는 데

병원에서 병원측에선 키스에따른 알레지 반응을 치료할 수 없었다 한다.

즉시 아드레랄린 주사를 주입했으나 땅콩 알레지의 과민반응이 나타났다고.검시가

행해졌고 병원 알레르기 전문가는 땅콩 알레기의 증상은 발진과 혈압의 급상승이

일어나 이것이 목과 기도에서 호흡을 막아 버린다고 했다. 땅콩 알레지는 요 십년

사이에 증가하고 있으나 그 원인은 규명되지 않고 있으며 미국에선 150만명이

심한 알레지 상태이며 이중 50~150명이 죽는다고. 허 그 참 정말 첨 듣는 소리.

혹 오늘 밤 키스 할 일 있으면 "잠깐, 땅콩.." 꼭 확인 요

Teen With Peanut Allergy Dies After Kiss

Mon Nov 28,11:54 AM ET SAGUENAY, Quebec -

A 15-year-old girl with a peanut allergy died after kissing her boyfriend,

who had just eaten a peanut butter snack, hospital officials said Monday.

Christina Desforges died in a Quebec hospital Wednesday after doctors were unable to treat

her allergic reaction to the kiss the previous weekend.

Desforges, who lived in Saguenay, about 155 miles north of Quebec City, was almost immediately

given a shot of adrenaline, a standard tool for treating the anaphylactic shock brought on by a peanut allergy,

officials said.

An autopsy was being performed. Dr. Nina Verreault, an allergist at the Chicoutimi Hospital in Saguenay,

declined to comment on the case. The symptoms of peanut allergy can include hives, plunging blood pressure

and swelling of the face and throat, which can block breathing. Peanut allergies have been rising in recent decades.

The reason remains unclear but one study found that baby creams or lotions with peanut oil may cause children

to develop allergies later in life.

About 1.5 million Americans are severely allergic to even the smallest trace of peanuts and peanut allergies account

for 50 to 100 deaths in the United States each year. Canadian figures were not immediately available.

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posted by bukook