10 Powerful Affirmations That Can Change Your Life
.1) I can achieve greatness
One of the most influential ones is to tell yourself on a daily basis that you can achieve all the greatness in life. Focus on your vision and dreams and then attach the emotion to that vision. By telling this to yourself and believing that you can achieve greatness, it will eventually turn into reality.
2) Today, I am brimming with energy and overflowing with joy
Joy starts from within not from outside of yourself. It also starts as soon as you rise. So make it habit to repeat this to yourself first thing in the morning.
3) I love and accept myself for who I am
Self love is meant to be the purest and the highest form of love. When you love yourself, you automatically start appreciating and respecting yourself. If you have confidence and pride in what you do, you will begin to see yourself in a new light and be encouraged and inspired to do bigger and better things.
4) My body is healthy; my mind is brilliant; my soul is tranquil
A healthy body starts with a healthy mind and soul. If either suffers from negative emotions, the others will be affected. The number one cause of health or disease is you. You can also remove and revoke all permission that you have given consciously, subconsciously, to all the ills of the world because you share that pain. You are conquering your illness and defeating it steadily each day.
5) I believe I can do everything
You need to say this to yourself every day. Because this is something that is so important for counseling yourself to stay encouraged. By saying this, you are able to do anything and everything that you put your mind to.
6) Everything that is happening now is happening for my ultimate good
There are no victims, no accidents and no coincidences EVER. They simply do not exist in this reality as you and others will only attract what you and they are a part of. So know from the bottom of your heart that everything happens for a reason and in perfect synchronicity. You are at peace with all that has happened, is happening, and will happen. Your fears of tomorrow are simply melting away.
7) I am the architect of my life; I build its foundation and choose its contents
This is something that you should tell yourself when you wake up every morning. Every new day offers a fresh start and also makes an impact on others around you. You can make anything of that day that you like because you are the architect of your own life. If you begin your day with a positive thought and feeling it will transform your day into something incredible. Works every time.
8) I forgive those who have harmed me in my past and peacefully detach from them
That doesn’t mean you forget what they did, but you are at peace with what they did and the lessons served. Your strength to forgive is what allows you to move forward and your reaction to any experience is independent of what others think of you. You can forgive one thousand people and even if none of them forgive you, there will always be a sense of peace and freedom within you that they will never have until they share that sentiment. Your power to forgive them also instantly changes how they react to you.
9) My ability to conquer my challenges is limitless; my potential to succeed is infinite
Plain and simple, you have no limits but those you place on yourself. What kind of life do you want? What is stopping you? What barriers are you imposing on yourself? This affirmation will help you address all of the boundaries.
10) Today, I abandon my old habits and take up new, more positive ones
Realize that any difficult time are only a short phase of life. This too shall pass along with your old habits as you take in the new. You are a fully adapting being with creative energy which surges through you and leads you to new and brilliant ideas and the mindset that allows that energy to flow.
우리네 삼의 밖에는 아무 것도 없다. 우리들 일상의 주변의 모든 것들은 다 전부 다 내면의 그림자요
내면의 결실이요 내면의 외부로의 이동일 뿐이다. 단 하나의 생각, 단 한 번의 결심, 딱 한 번의 시도
...단지 한번의 깨달음이 내인생을 내삶을 완벽한 성송출세재벌돈의 길로 이끌어 준다.
엄청난잔치 거대한해외여행 파격적사교모임 못지 않게 한줄의 긍정에 필이 꽂히면 변화는 일어난다
내면에서 그리고 완성된 내면의그림은 밖으로 외부로 세상으로 자신의눈앞 현실ㄹ에 실제한다.
생명없는 그림의용 용그림에 눈을그리는 수간바로 그 ㅜㄴㅅ간 영은 ㅏㄹ아 승천한다.
여의주를 거뭐쥐는 임생이 된다 [내게는 세상 모든 도전을 꺽고밟아버릴 끝없는 능력이 있다.
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주파수를 올림이요 증폭이다. 강력한 방출이요 파워풀한 발송이다
결국은 오늘도 용의 눈을 그린다, 산에서도 들에서도 집에서도 가을에도 봄에도밤에도 낮에도 ...
Josh Richardson is blogger, healer, and a constant pursuer of the natural state of human consciousness.