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2012. 11. 16. 10:39 기본

Hi Don shah,

안철수 후보가 통합민주당이 언론에 흘린 말들과 스마트폰에 심은 문자들로 실망의 충격속에 어쩔 수 없는 야합패거리정신에 "어쩜 이를수가"하고 있을지 모른가. 우린 밀실게릴라의 구린내나는 모략의 정치를 보아 왔다. 이런 것들 "새"정치라는 말로 쉬 해결되어지기는 참 어렵다. 우리 주변에 '돈'이 필요한 사람로 가득 차 있다. 더 많은 '돈'을 갖고 싶은 사람들로 첩첩이 쌓여 있다. 그 만ㄹ은 사람들이 '돈' 더 많은 '돈'릏 바라고 희망하고 원하고 있으나 그들이 바라고 원하고 희망하는 그 넘의 '돈'을 원하는 만큼 얻지를 못하고 있다. 왤까. 그냥 정상적으로 아니된다는 생각신념이 과거 야합꾼들의 마음잠재의식에 프로그램밍 되어있기에 그들은 다른 성공의 방법을 모른다,

필요로하는 만큼의 돈, 원하는 만큼의 돈을 얻지 못하고, 벌지 못하고, 만들지 못하는 이유는 하나 뿐이다. '나'너그대가 열심히 일을 아니해서도 아니요, 그 돈을 벌 수 있는 능력이 없습도 아니요, 더욱 그 돈을 향한 열망이 없습은 더욱 아니다. 다만 내가 그 돈 벌 수 있을까하는 의심과 이걸로 될까하는 염려가 그 돈을 가질 수있는 길에 블록케이드를 하나씩 하나씩 샇아 가고 있으니 버는 곳은 차제하고라도 있는 그 꼴란 돈마져도 점점 사라지고, 손가락 사이로 빠져나가고,  통장은 나날이 바닥을 드러내고 있는 것이다.. 의심하지마라, 염려하지 마라가 아니다.

난 내가 필요하는 그 '돈'이상의 돈을 가질 자격이 있다. 이 명제가 '나'너그대의 점재의식에 프로그램망 되지 않는 한 노력의 결과, 한 일의 댓가, 질주의 보상은 미마하거나 마이너스다. 그러나 프로그램밍된 점재의식이 활동을 시적하면 1의 노력에 100을 얻고, 10의 근무에 10,000의 댓가가 주어지고   1000의 질주에 1,000,000의  보상을 받게 된다.

You deserve to have more money.

Yes you do.

You should have more money
You should be able to afford the things you want.

You want more money

It will make your life easier.

But do you believe that you deserve to have more money?

If you don't believe that you deserve to
have more money, you'll never have more.

You'll just keep struggling with money.

Until you believe that you deserve to have more,
that you can have more,
that you will make and have more than you need,
You'll never get more.

That's because you haven't programmed your
subconscious mind to bring you more.

Instead, you've put up blocks that prevent you
from getting and having more money.

These blocks are the doubts you have about being able to have more.
They're the negative thoughts that you
have about money and making more money.

They're the beliefs that you have about not being able to get ahead.
They're the worries that you have about money.

And all these blocks are planted on your subconscious mind.

Your subconscious creates your life based on your thoughts and beliefs.

And that's why you can't make more or have more.

The blocks you've placed on your subconscious
prevent you from succeeding.
They prevent you from having the kind of money you want.
They stop you from making more.

And it gets worse.

As you continue to hold on to these
negative thoughts and beliefs about money,
these blocks get stronger.

And after a while they cause you to lose what little you may have.
You'll just end up losing money or watching
your money slip through your hands.

Don't let that happen.
Put an end to the struggle.
Get rid of the blocks that stop you from making more money.
Get rid of the negative thinking and the
negative beliefs that prevent you from having more.
Start making more and having more today.
Simply get your subconscious mind to bring you as much money as you want.
Start programming your subconscious to create more wealth
Click Here to Get Started

If you want to have more money then
you have to tell your subconscious mind to bring you more money.

Hoping, wishing and praying doesn't work.

Your subconscious will bring you anything you want
when you give it the right instructions.

Those instructions are your thoughts, beliefs and attitudes.

When it comes to money you have a number of
thoughts and beliefs that hold you back.
That stop your subconscious from bring you more money.

Thoughts and beliefs like:
"It's hard to make money"
"I don't know what to do to make money"
"Life is difficult"
"I can't manage my money"

You get the idea... these are all thoughts and beliefs that destroy any
chance of making and having more money.

So as much as you want to make more,
you simply won't when you have negative
thoughts and beliefs that block you from making and having more.

Now you can turn things around.
You can create the wealth you want.
You can get your subconscious to bring you
the money and wealth you want and deserve.
Give your subconscious the right instructions
So that you get more, have more and enjoy more.
Get rid of the blocks that stop you and
start enjoying greater wealth today
Click Here to Get Started

You deserve to make as much money as you want.
You can have more and make more you.
You are a powerful person and you can now
direct your power to bring you the amount of money you want.
Start directing your subconscious to create more wealth for you today
Click Here to Get Started

Wishing you tremendous success and prosperity...

Karim Hajee
Creating Power

















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posted by bukook