Hi Don shah,
갈릴레이 갈릴레오가 지구는 돈다고 했을 때 부정한 이유 가운데 하나가 만약 지구가 갈릴레오가 얘기한대로 돌고 있다면 지구가 도는 소리가 들려야 한다라고 반박했다. 빨아 놓은 빨래에서 나는 퀴퀴한 냄새, 장마철 젖은 옷에서 나는 냄새, 방을 닦은 걸레에서 나는 냄새 등등 이 모든 냄새의 주범은 박테리아들의 배설물 냄새도 이들 박테리어들이 배설헐 때 그 소리를 들어 본적이 있는가. 인간은 극히 작은소리, 지극히 굉장한 소리는 못 듣도록 그렇게 만들어져 있다. 그래서 일까 단순하고 아주 쉬운 진ㄹ이들은 아주 싹 무시하고 그런 심플한 진리 정도야 이미 다 알고 있는 것처럼 행동 한다.
성공을 거뭐쥐고 목표를 달성하고 정상을 정복해야 겠다. 그럼 누구나도 아무나도 다 전부다 성공을할수 있고 목표를이룰수있고 정상을정복할수있다. 그러나 현실은 전혀 그러하질 못하다. 그럼 누구나도 아무나 다 전부다 출세할수있다는 것은 거짓말인가. 아니다 숫적으로 적은 숫자이나 특별하지도 뛰어나지도 '나'너그대보다도 못한 이들이 정상에 선 모습을 여러번 보지아니했었던가, '아 좀 더 잘살았으면...' '아 좀 더 향편이 나지진다면..' '아 좀만 더 돈이 있으면..'이런 생각자세로 성공목표정상출세길을 추진하고 있다면 이는 상황이 점점 더 성공목표정상출세와는 반대되는 환경여건결과를 초래할 뿐이다.
성공목표정상출세를 쟁취하고 누리는 모든 이들의 한가지 공통점은 확실한목표 뚜렷한정상 구체적성공을 분명하 아주 똑똑하게 가지고 있었다는 사실이다. 성곻ㅇ목표출세정상을 확실히 정하고 그성공목표정상출세를 구체적으로 가지고 있다면 성공은 된다. 최소한 퇴보는 없다, 목표를 정하라. 구체적으로 구성향성하라. 이보다 쉬운 일이 또 어디 있는가. 쉽다고 무시하면 그 엄청난 성공목표정상출세 못 누린다.
막연한 목표 '재벌''명예''위상' 모호한 안개속 어렴푸한 성공은 점점 더 큰 오리무중을 만들어낼 뿐이다.
If only things were different.
If only things had worked out.
If only you could make more money,
meet the right person,
make the right decisions,
If only you could change things,
If only life were different,
If only you could get what you want...
Well you can.
Today I'll show you how you can take charge of your life.
How you can succeed and how you can get what you want.
Just follow the steps I outline and you'll be on your
way to a better, more fulfilling and rewarding life. Read On...
If only...
It's something you've said to yourself many times.
If only things could be different.
Well, they can.
And life can be different.
You can change things
You can make more money,
You can meet the right person
You can make the right choices
and you can achieve your goals.
You can change your life and have exactly what you want.
But you have to know what you want.
You have to decide exactly what you want.
You can't be vague.
You can't be general.
You have to be clear and specific.
Then you have to tell your subconscious mind and your
inner powers to bring you exactly what you want.
By being clear and specific you give your subconscious and
your inner powers clear and specific directions.
They know exactly what you want and can bring it to you.
Once you've given them that instruction you have to continually
guide them and direct them to bring you what you want.
To create the changes you want,
to enjoy the success you want,
to truly get what you want,
you have to believe that you can and will succeed.
You have to continually guide and direct your
subconscious mind and inner powers.
Your subconscious and inner powers respond
to what you constantly think about.
They create your life based on what you constantly
think about.
If you constantly say "If only life were better"
then you're constantly looking at what is wrong and
what you don't like about your life.
your subconscious mind and your inner powers think
that's what you want.
So they create more of what you don't want.
That's why you need to direct your subconscious mind
and your inner powers.
You have to give them the right instructions.
You have to continually guide them and tell them
to bring you exactly what you want.
You have to change what you constantly think about.
Once you do that you'll enjoy greater success,
you'll enjoy your life, and you'll get what you want.
Start directing your subconscious and inner powers
so that you get exactly what you want
Click Here To Get Started
Start changing your thoughts.
Start changing your beliefs.
And you'll create the life you want.
You'll enjoy the success you want.
You'll have the changes you want.
You are a powerful person.
You can achieve all your goals.
You can succeed.
You can get what you want.
You can have more money.
You can meet the right person.
You can make the right choices.
If only... you could direct your subconscious mind and
your inner powers to bring you what you want.
Now you can
Now you can get what you want.
Now you can tell your subconscious mind and your inner powers
to bring you exactly what you want
Wishing you tremendous success...
Karim Hajee
Creating Power
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