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2015. 10. 8. 09:19 스크랩



8 Ways to Squeeze the Most Out of Your Time

CONTINUED from above

1. Key Questions
-What is the highest value-added action I can do?
-What can I, and only I, do that I’ve done well before to make a difference?
-(If you work at a company) Why am I on the payroll?


건강한 하루, 활활 타는 활동적 하루, 열정이 팍팍튀는 하루,  열기를 발산하는 하루

온 주변이 시선을 즐기는 하루, ㅇ딜 가든 환한 하루, 어디선든 호감 ㅏㄷ는 하루...

하루. 이런 새 날 새 하루가 가능할까요. 100% 가능합니다. 정말로 됩니다.


새벽에 일찍 일어나 조깅 산책을 한다. 이른 아침에 일어나 긍정이나 동기유발의

글을 본다,  명상을 한다. 큐티를 한다. 클라씩을 듣는다.  ... 한다. 이런걸로 될까요

모르죠 혹 밥맛을 더나게 햐ㅐ 줄지는 몰라도 넘치는 꽉찬 하룰 살기엔 89%부족하죠.


하루의 시작 아침 이른 아침 새벽 이른 새벽 새벽 미명.. 누가 이를 하루의 시작이라했을까요

모르죠 이게 출발ㄹ호의 시작을 가지고 있을지는 모르겠으나 새날의시작은 아닙니다.

준비된대통령 준비된사업 준비되닌생 준비된...준비된날이 아니라면 이건 새날이 아니고

헌날 어제의 단순한 연장일 뿐입니다.


배고픈 저녁을 독한겨림 지독한맘으로 즐기시고 손발온몸으로 '새날'내일을 심어보십시요.

이른시간 새벽 이른 아침부터 풍성히 넉넉히 양껏 맘껏 드시고 싶은 것 무엇이든 즈리십시요.

삶의의욕 생의열기 오늘하루의승리기대환희...자신감자존감 .., 하늘을 찌를 것입니다.



2. Values
Decide what’s important to you, and in what order. Make sure your values don’t conflict with work. Energy spent worrying diminishes your abilities.

3. Consequences
Every action has consequences, good and bad. Consider what rewards you’d reap by completing a task. Then, compare those rewards with the consequences of putting it aside. This process makes it easier to see which goals have a higher value.

4. The Pareto Principle
Vilfredo Pareto, a 19th-century engineer, argued that 20 percent of what you do accounts for 80 percent of the value. When considering the importance of a task, ask yourself whether it’s among the 20 percent that creates the most value.

5. Urgency vs. Importance
An unexpected phone call or a drop-in visitor may be urgent, but the consequences of dealing with either may not be important in the long run. The urgent is other-oriented; it’s caused by someone else. Important things are self-directed and have the greatest value for you.

6. The Limiting Step
Standing between you and what you want to achieve is what Tracy calls the limiting step. That’s the bottleneck that determines how quickly you can reach your goal. It’s important to identify that step and focus single-mindedly on getting that one thing done.

7. A Written Plan
Lists of goals, tasks and objectives are of no help unless they’re written. Putting your plans on paper makes a seemingly elusive goal more concrete. There’s a connection that takes place between the brain and the hand. When you don’t write it down, it’s fuzzy, but as you write it and revise it, it becomes clear.

8. Visualization
See yourself doing what you need to get done. Visualization trains the subconscious to focus on completing tasks. Say, for example, that you want to begin each morning by exercising. Visualizing yourself doing sit-ups and push-ups the night before conditions the mind to do those the next day. When you prime your mind, it wakes you up even before the alarm clock goes off.

Remember, you are a winner and preparation goes a long way in helping you achieve all your goals.

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posted by bukook