Feeling Lost? What to Do When Everything Falls Apart and Life ‘Sucks’
Sudden illness, business challenges, heartbreak, impossible situations…
사랑하는 이의 갑짝스런 죽음, 가족의 돌연한 사망, 딱 부닥친 사업실패부도사기, 심장마비
뜻밖질병사고, 전신마비침대인간, 아내의불륜 ...중학생딸자식임신, ...
전혀 처리불능, 도무지 손 쓸 수 없는 상황이 내앞 내게 내가족 내사업에서 일어나고
봉착하게 되면 머릿속의 소름 뼈속이 갈라짐을 피할 수 없다. 이런 최악의 상황에서도
태연히 일상을 살아 낼수있는 면역력을 가진이는 없다. 때론 한가지만의 불행이 아니고
한꺼번에 떼지어 쏟아지는 파멸의 산사태를 만나는 이도 있다.
이런 고통 그 김사장, 그 재벌회장, 그 수애엄마,...에게만일어나는 게 아니고 너나 우리
모두의 인생살이 삶의 일부분이다. 결코 피할 수 없는 생의 한 과정이다. 어떻게 대할까
동기유발 성공배양 자기개발 등 실천성공학의 최고최대나라 미국의 저명한 강사저자연설가
들이 들려주는 방법은 대개 이 네가지에 속한 범주들인데 좀 더 깊이 좀 더 넓게 좀 더
큰 가능성으로 접근인 것처럼 다가 온다.
11. 마음에 들지 않는 상황, 영 기분 나쁜 느낌,...이런 것들이 일어남은 더나은 더좋은 것들을
장착해기 위해 우주라는 에너지가 나라는 에너지로부터 그 공간을 확보하는 것이다.
22. 삶에 고통은 필수다. 절대로 피할 수 없는 것이다. 이는 더나은 더좋은 것을 위해
소집되어지는 훈련이다. 다만 이고통을 고통으로 받아 피할 길을 찾아 씨름 할 건가
아님 훈련교육으로 알아 함께 동행하는 포옹을 할 것인가를 선택결정하는 것이다
33. 어제는역사이고 내일은미스테리고 지금여기이순간만이 실제요현실이다.
[ '내'생명 = 내'목숨' = 지금 = 여기 =이순간. ]를 벗어난 그 어느 곳에도
'나'는 존재할 수없다. 생존하지도 않는다. 지금여기바로이순간에서 승부하라. 돌파하라
44. 상황주변여건환경이웃부위기감정기분느낌정서옆자리한공간...동료 등등이 마음에 불편하고
맞지 않으면 바꾸어라. 바꿀 수 없다구요. 그럼 자신의 마음을 바꾸어라
끝말. '나'사랑하라 '나'용서하라 '나'에게 진실하라.
'나'를 대접 -사랑용서- 하는 '나의 '태도가 나인'남'-나외전부-을대우하는
기준이다. 원칙이 된다. 표준을 설정한다.
이의결과는 ;
'나'의 일상사가 그女ㄴ늠 타인들 남들에겐
도무지 믿을 수 없는 초현실의 기적으로 받아 들여진다.
"Love yourself. Forgive yourself. Be true to yourself. How you treat yourself sets the standard for how others will treat you." -Steve Maraboli
When it comes to life, no-one is immune to the many ‘bumps’ and ‘cracks’ in the road. We’ve all experienced our fair-share of darn-right ‘sucky’ situations – some a lot m. ore than others.
But what should you do when life leaves you in a head-spin a, nd no matter where you look, everything seems to…well…suck?
No matter how strong we may consider ourselves to be, from time to time we all find ourselves facing tough situations that can leave us feeling overwhelmed and lost.
Perhaps you’re in a similar situation right now? You’re feeling vulnerable and unable to find your way out of a seemingly bleak scenario.
If this IS the case for you, then for starters – know that you are not alone. We all lose our way at some time or another. If this is your situation right now, then reach out to those around you. You never know, there could be others in your close circle going through a similar experience.
You may feel helpless right now – but you’re in fact far from it.
When everything does seem to be falling apart, consider these four simple practices your lifeline – to help pull you back into normality once again.
1. ‘Sometimes Good Things Fall Apart So Better Things Can Fall Together’
Remember these wonderfully wise words from beauty icon, Marilyn Monroe? Every problem, every obstacle and every heartbreak…when you experience the ‘bad’, do you ever stop and ask yourself what good may come out of it?
Whilst it may not feel like it at the time, sometimes, the universe takes things away from us to make room for bigger, better things. In every misfortune, you will soon find that there is a reason to feel even more fortunate than you were before. It could be in the form of a valuable life lesson, personal growth or new relationships/opportunities/successes…
‘Everything happens for a reason’ – It may be the biggest cliché in the book, but it’s a cliché worth remembering!
2. ‘Pain Is Inevitable, Suffering Is Optional’
In life, pain and hurt are inevitable. However, as Haruki Murakami’s says, whilst ‘pain is inevitable’…’suffering is optional’.
Pain is part of being human; however, it is how we choose to think and act both during and after that experience of pain that determines our happiness. A lot of people can make the mistake of bottling up their pain; they are afraid to feel their hurt and might often try and mask it. Whilst this is perfectly natural, doing this only prolongs the experience and ultimately, results in suffering.
Learn to accept your feelings as they are – process them. Then, when the time is right, you need to make a choice – ‘I’m in pain right now – am I going to embrace this and try to move forward with my life, or am I going to dwell on it and allow myself to suffer?’ It’s not always easy, but you know what you have to do.
내가치 내명예 ... 됨됨이는 그년늠들이 하게 내벌둬라. '나'와는 아무런 관계가 없는 그들의 일일뿐다. "나에대한 너의생각은 전적으로 너의 것이다"라는 책제목일 뿐이다
3. ‘Yesterday Is History, Tomorrow Is A Mystery, Today IS…’
It’s said time and time again here at the Law of Attraction site – there is no greater gift than the here and now.
Feeling lost? Observe yourself right now, in the present moment. Are you breathing? Is your heart beating? If the answer is ‘yes!’ – then you’re doing great. When life throws you a curveball, your only concern should be the here and now. Break things down into manageable chunks, tackle each moment as it comes.
When we’re feeling lost, anxious and unable to find our way – guilt from the past and fretting for the future is usually at the root of the problem. When everything feels out of your control, you always know there’s one thing you can trust in – the present moment.
4. ‘If You Don’t Like Something, Change It. If You Can’t Change It, Change Your Attitude’
These may seem harsh words from Maya Angelou, but really think about it. If you are the creator of your life, then you need to take responsibility for your feelings. In a world where many things are seemingly out of our control, it is important to remember that there is one thing we are always in control of – our words. The words that create our thoughts, the words that tell our story…the stories we tell ourselves to dictate the way we feel.
If you’re unhappy about something – change it with your words. Tell yourself a happier, lighter, freeing story of how things are. More often than not, even the slightest shift in attitude can result in the biggest of breakthroughs.
So – when everything seems to suck, be sure to remember these four simple strategies for positive, forward action.
If everything is already fine and dandy in your life right now, then that’s great! But remember to keep these practices tucked away, safe in the ‘break only in an emergency’ box at the back of your mind. Do this and the next time you’re feeling a little lost – you can rest assured that you’ll be back on track in no time!