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How To: Change Yourself in Positive Ways
Step 1: Get real with yourself. Emma Johnson October 19, 2015 Change is hard. Really hard. You know because you have a bad habit or 20 that you’ve tried to quit: smoking, overeating, saying negative things to your spouse, exceeding your budget. Research shows that people, in general, experience extreme difficulty changing a single habit. Consider: • Seventy percent of borrowers who take out home equity loans to consolidate debt wind up with higher debt within two years, according to the nonprofit Cambridge Credit Counseling. • A University of Scranton study found that a mere 8 percent of people keep their New Year’s resolutions. • Just 20 percent of obese dieters sustain a 10 percent weight loss for more than a year, according to the National Weight Control Registry. In other words, humans stink at change. But change is doable, says Steve Olsher, author of the New York Times best-seller What Is Your WHAT? Discover the One Amazing Thing You Were Born to Do. “Before anything can change in your life, you have to shed light on it,” he says. “There has to be a moment when you take a hard look at the truth and contend with the fact it is no longer acceptable. You must be uncomfortable to make a change.” Here are some steps that can help:
Get real with yourself. If you’ve been stuck in trying to resolve problems with finances, health, relationships, career or other areas, seek tough love. “Ask for honest feedback from those you love,” Olsher says. But be prepared to truly hear it and separate the message from the messenger. “Assure the person, ‘I will not get mad at you. I need to hear the truth.’ Then don’t get mad when you hear it.” - See more at: http://www.success.com/article/how-to-change-yourself-in-positive-ways#sthash.EukRMVqc.dpuf