무엇이 문제인가, 그 늠의 돈때문에 연휴에 해외여행 못가는구나. 돈이 문젠가
아님 해외여행이 문젠가, 아님 돈이때문에 라는 그 생각이 문젠가 아님
연휴 해외여행하겠다는 마음이 문제인가 아님 문제라는 그 마음이 문제인가
마음과생각 생각과마음 그리 간단하지도 녹녹하지도 않은 문제이지만 이런 게
말장난 추상게임 언어의희롱이란 느깜으로 전혀 불요불급한 것으로 치부될 수도있다.
마음과생각 생각과마음 이는 본짛ㄹ이다. 삶의본질이요 생의본질이요 나아가
존재의이유다. 마음과생각 생각과마음 그 외 모든 것 주변의모든 것은 현상이다.
현상에불과하다. 마음과생각의부산물이요 생각과마음의 파생상품 부산물일 뿐이다.
마음과생각을 지배한 자가 주변 모두를 지배한다. 생각과아음을 정북한 자가온 주변을
정복한다. 모든 일상사 인생사 모두가 다 마음과생각생각과마음에서로부터 연유한다.
마음과생각 생각과마음을 다스리면 성공출세재벌돈은 부상 상품으로 주어진다.
무엇보다도 먼저 우선 마음과생각 생각과마음의 관찰자 감시자가 돼야만 한다.
어떤 종류의, 어떤 타입이, 어떤 유형의 생각이 인생을 누리고 삶을 즐기는 데
방해가 되는지를 알아야만한다. 알아내야만 한다. 한 발 뒤로 물러나서 마음 속으로
드러어가 지금 어떤 생각을 하고 있는지 생각의 평가자가 되어, 줄줄이 꼬리를 물고
일어나는 생각들을 점검한다. 이런 생가들을 의식하든 못하든 생활과일상에는 생각한
바 그대로 나타나고 절대적인 영향을 미친다.
특이한 놀라운 일, 기적 같은일이 일어나다길 생각하는 그 순간 참 신기하게 모든 제반
생각들이 깨끗하게 사라지고 기적이라는 그 희한한 하나의 생각에 오인하게 된다.
바로 그것이다. 생각이 멈추는 생각과 생각 사이에 평화와힐링의 공간이 발생되어지고
이 우주적 공간에서 성공출세재벌돈이 이루어 진다 그리고 부상으로 현실에 나타난다
How To Create Your Reality With Intentional Thoughts
Countless people imagine that they have no control over their thoughts.
They experience continual flowing chatter in their minds, which seem to be propelled by an unseen force. Being at the mercy of your inner voice is not always beneficial, since there are times when it stems from your ego, which worries unnecessarily about unimportant matters.
Learning how to direct your thoughts can cause you to perceive life constructively and attract what you want.
The first step toward gaining control of your thoughts is to recognize unwanted patterns. Until you are aware of ways in which you think that do not serve you, you are unable to make positive changes.
Become the observer of your thoughts, as though you were assessing a play. Step back in your mind, listen to inner banter, and notice whether it is a help or a hindrance to your ability to enjoy life.
Hearing your thoughts as an observer might take practice initially, since you are used to your inner voice as background noise that accompanies your behavior. Occasionally, you might notice specific thoughts, especially if you stop what you are doing for a moment and pause. However, much of your life is spent doing rather than being, by which is meant that you are on autopilot rather than being immersed in experiences with full awareness.
When you are on autopilot, your thoughts still influence your feelings, even though you are not completely aware of their existence. Thus, if your inner voice persistently informs you that life is negative, you will focus on negativity. Your experiences will reflect your fears that stem from negative thinking.
Hearing Your Inner Voice
Practice listening to your inner voice as an observer when you are alone and have space to assess what is happening in your mind. You might find that as you intently wait for thoughts to flow something odd occurs; your inner voice falls silent. If so, congratulations, as you have discovered the space between thoughts in which peace and healing can arise.
When thoughts do appear, do not judge them. Instead, allow them to occur and simply listen. Recognize whether your inner voice is critical or expresses fear. Alternatively, your thoughts may be positive and full of gratitude and appreciation.
Negative And Positive Thoughts
Thoughts of thankfulness create joy and attract greater happiness into your life. When they form in your mind exaggerate them, and imagine them seeping into your heart region where they gain strength.
If your thoughts are negative, be kind and soothe your inner self with compassion. Do not become upset or angry when your inner voice is not behaving as you would like. Instead, send forth the feeling of love from your heart, and let negativity fade by focusing on positive topics.
Creating Your Reality
Up until this moment, you might not have had control over your thoughts. However, once you have mastered the technique of observing them, you can direct them.
In the past, you may have inadvertently allowed negative thoughts to run your life. Those that followed regular patterns will have made a dent in your psyche, much like the groove in a vinyl record. You kept playing the same old tune because you were not aware that you could choose another track.
Create a new, positive dent in your psyche, full of joyful thoughts about prosperity, abundance and happiness. The more you focus upon generating heartening thoughts, the more you will encounter the experience of feeling uplifted. At the same time, you will attract new experiences that make you feel great.
What Do You Want?
Creating positive thoughts will make your vibrational frequency higher and automatically bring good things to you. However, the right time to attract what you want purposefully is when you are in an uplifted state of mind. Therefore, you can intentionally develop thoughts that attract your wants and goals.
Define what you want so that it is clear in your mind. For instance, you might want a pay rise, or you may wish to meet someone special and form a romantic relationship.
Sending A Message To The Universe
Visit a place that you find peaceful and attractive, and breathe deeply. Become the observer of your thoughts, allowing unwanted inner chatter to fade, and slowly become aware of the beauty of your surroundings. As you recognize positive aspects of your environment, create thoughts of gratitude. For instance, “I appreciate the beauty of the landscape, the wonderful colors and refreshing atmosphere.”
Continue to look for more factors around you for which you can experience gratitude and form appreciative thoughts. When you feel uplifted, think about what you want in your life. Inject the feeling of gratitude, which you have already created, into thoughts of your goals.
Be In The Moment
If unwanted thoughts attempt to creep into the exercise, acknowledge them, but let them fade out of existence by not focusing on them. Concentrate on thoughts of gratitude and what you want. Imagine that you already have what you want most and experience appreciation.
Creating Intentional Thoughts Regularly
You are unlikely to be able to sustain an uplifted mood all of the time, but you can regularly be mindful about the thoughts you generate. Whenever you remember to create thoughts with purpose, do so. Your brain will gradually deepen a groove that automatically plays positive thoughts as it is trained via practice.
You will discover that you not only experience positive thoughts often, but they also start to become insightful. You may have more ideas than usual and notice that your mind has expanded to accommodate thoughts that were previously blocked from forming.
Taking control of your thoughts can make a positive difference to your existence. When you stop seeing through negative eyes, you will recognize the true beauty of life. You will see that even setbacks are an opportunity to learn and grow, and you will attract the future that you want.