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2017. 10. 7. 08:58 스크랩

ㅅㅔ상엔 잘 사는 부자와 못사는 가난한 빈자가 항상 따로 따로 존재 한다.

만약 이런 빈부의 차이를 없애려고 부자들의 모든 돈을 다 징수하여 모두가

똑 같이 균등한 액수로 분뱋란다면 동잏한 금액 그대로 빈부 차이가 없는 균등사회

공평한 위상들이 쭈욱 유지돼 나아갈까 !?

시간의 문제일 뿐 부자들은 전에 자기네들이 소유하고 있던, 가지고 있던, 지니고 있던

액수 그대로가 아니 그 이상이 들어와지는 반면 예전에 가난하여 균등히 부여 받은

자들은 예전의 가난 혹은 그 이하로 가난하여 진다.

성공출세재벌은 자신이 추구하는 것도 내가 따라가 잡는 것이 아니다.

성공출세재벌이 자신을 나를 따라 오도록 유혹하는, 끌어들이는 것이다

단지 자신이 내가 그런 성공출세재벌을 감당할 수 있는 인물인품을

다듬어 가는 중에 주어지는 부상 상품 부산물일 따름이다 

Rohn: How Do You Attract Opportunity Into Your Life?

Success is not to be pursued; it is to be attracted by the person you become.
August 30, 2015
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Someone once asked me the question, “How can I have more opportunities come into my life?” It is a good question—but I think my answer might have surprised them a bit.

Related: Rohn: 4 Straightforward Steps to Success

I bypassed the obvious (and necessary) points about hard work, persistence and preparation. They actually were very hard workers. And they had the great attribute of being seekers, on the outlook. So what were they missing?

Attraction—the most valuable point.

I always thought opportunities and success were something you went after. Then I found out that I needed to turn it around. Opportunities and success are not something you go after necessarily but something you attract by becoming an attractive person.

That's why I teach development of skills. If you can develop your skills, keep refining all the parts of your character and yourself, your health, your relationships so that you become an attractive person—you'll attract opportunity. Opportunity will probably seek you out. Your reputation will probably precede you and someone will want to do business with you.

All of the possibilities are there by working on the philosophy that success is something you attract.

The key is to continue making yourself a more attractive person by the skills you have, the disciplines you have, the personality you've acquired, the character and reputation you have established, the language and speech you use—all of that refinement makes you more attractive.

Personal development is the never-ending chance to improve not only yourself but also to attract opportunities and affect others. 

Related: Rohn: Why Personal Development Is Critical to Success

'스크랩' 카테고리의 다른 글

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posted by bukook