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2017. 10. 6. 08:54 스크랩

신권 지폐가 발행 되면 동일한 가치를 지닌 것일지라도 사람들은, 아니 우리들은 그걸

가질려고 온갖 발악을 다 한다. 하물며 더 나은 기능을 탑재한 software apps program

등이야 일러 무삼하리요만 참으로 정말 이상한 것은 더 나은 건강 유지하려고, 보다 나은

신체 조건을 드러내고자 다이어트 체육관 헬스클럽 헤르크리닉 건강보조식품 기능의약품

정말 별의별 것을 다 시도하고 체험하고 실행해 나간다. 그런데 자신의 육체와는 비교도

아니될 만큼 중요한 정신이나 생각이나 마음이나 영혼을 위해선 아예 손을 놓고들 있다.

인간의 두뇌는 컴퓨터의 cpu중앙처리장치 이다. cpu 그 속엔 무수한 software생각마음영혼

등이 탑재되 있기에 원하는 것들을, 바라는 것들을, 찾는 것들을, 좋아하는 것들을 만난다,

가진다, 이룩한다. old version옛생각마음...으로는 새로운 program은 아예 돌아가지를 않는다.

software를  upgrade업그레이드해야만 깊쑥히 박혀 있는 태고적인 부정적인 제한적인 마음

생각을 송도리채 바꾸어 새로운마음 새로운생각 새로운영혼이 아닌

새생각 새마음 새영혼을 실행할 수 있다. 성공출세재벌은 새긍정에서 이뤄진다.

There’s a possibility that everything in your life is perfect right now.

Maybe you have a seven figure bank account.

Maybe you have the job or business of your dreams.

Maybe you have more than enough money to take care of your family the rest of your life.

Maybe none of that matters to you because you're living the life of your dreams.

If so, that’s great.

But if that’s not the case… did you ever wonder why some people are able to achieve this kind of success in life… while others struggle and never even get close?

The latest brain science research has shown that financial success is largely determined by what’s happening in your brain.

It has nothing to do with intelligence… or natural talent… or luck.

But it has everything to do with the habits, thought patterns and deeply engrained beliefs you have.

You see, earning more money and accomplishing your goals is simply a byproduct that comes after you work on upgrading your brain’s “software.”

When you upgrade your brain… it becomes much easier to upgrade your income.

It’s tough to do this on your own, though especially if you don’t know how to access the implicit memory system and other key areas responsible for your-self worth and the fear center that stops you cold in your tracks when you set a goal that is bigger than what you’ve achieved in the past.

And that’s why my good friend John Assaraf decided to assemble 7 of the world’s top brain science and success experts to put together an incredible all new, LIVE event called...

The 6th Annual LIVE Brain-A-Thon

This free online training event will teach you more about building wealth in one day than you’ve learned your entire life and it has nothing to do with learning money making skills.

You’ll finally be able to erase all of the limiting beliefs, unwanted emotional patterns and bad dis-empowering habits from your brain that have held you back from earning what you deserve…

… and you’ll learn how to upgrade and install new empowering beliefs and better brain “software” that can help you achieve all of your personal and financial goals!

'스크랩' 카테고리의 다른 글

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posted by bukook