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2013. 4. 27. 10:06 내면으로

The Conscious Lifestyle: A Leader's True Responsibility (It Doesn't Have to Be a Burden)

Category:  Consciousness

Being responsible is the mark of a mature, conscious person - no one disputes this. But success also requires risk-taking, intuitive leaps, innovation, and thinking outside the box. Those values will be quashed if leadership is totally conservative and cautious.

The Conscious Lifestyle: A Leader's True Responsibility (It Doesn't Have to Be a Burden)

사용하고 있는 어휘단어, 어휘력이 성공을 결정한다고 한다.

  사용핫고 있는 어휘단어가 말하는 자의 인격교양성향됨됨이를 나타낸다고 한다.

오늘 아침 디팍초프라가 트윗한 계정의 컬럼이다. 이런 세계적 지명도를 가진이들의

따끈따끈한글을 실시간으로 잀을 수 있다는 것은 정말이지 큰 행복 가운데 하나이다


그의 게재한 내용을 말하려는 것이 아니고 그 이이 디팍쵸프라가 세계적인 인물이 될 수 밖에 없는 이유와 더불어 갑짜기 나의 어휘실력의 수준이 고스란이 드러나니 내 꼬락서니가 전두환 앞의 노태우 같다는 습쓸한 기분이다. 동일한 뜻의 기본적인 단어 일상 용어 대신에 그만의 전혀 다름 단어를 사용하고 있다.  


어휘력이 어느 순간 어느 날 갑짜기 슬슬 풀려 나는 게 아니다. 참으로 긴 세월 동안에 얼마나 많은 유명인들과의 만남을 꾸준히 유지하는가가 아닐까. 세계적인 투자 전문가 부자들과 한끼 식사를 하는 데     그 비용이 미국돈 30000불에서 100000불이라고 하니 그런 인물들을 실제로 매일 같이 만날 수있는 방법은 어려워도 너~무 어려ㅛ울 수 있다. 그렇다고 ㅅㄴ 놓고 있으면 자신의 성공출세재벌은 점점 멀어질 것이다. 그럼 어쩔 것인가. 간단하다


그들이 쓴 책을 보고, 기술한 글을 보고... 한두번이 아니고 쉼 없이 꾸준히 해 나간다면 그 풍성해지는 어휘 속에서 엄청난 행복과 여유와 자신감이 샘 솟듯할 것이다.


You don't have to view "responsible" as synonymous with caution and a policy of no risks. Being responsible, seen in the wider context, means showing initiative, taking mature risks rather than reckless ones, walking the talk, having integrity, and living up to your inner values. Seen from the level of the soul, a leader’s greatest responsibility is to lead the group on the path of higher consciousness.

In practice, there is a hierarchy of steps that you can climb, beginning with a lack of recklessness and rising to the top, where you are responsible for imparting the highest values of your vision. All of us fall somewhere on this path.

You earn your credentials for being a responsible leader through the following behaviors, which are noted and imitated by the rest of the group:

1. You show that actions have consequences.

2. You don't say one thing and do another.

3. You don't shirk the hard choices or delegate them to others so that you are covered no matter what happens.

4. You don't have henchmen who do the dirty work so that your hands look clean.

5. If you back someone up, you establish a bond that they can depend on.

6. You treat people decently, putting everyone on an equal plane.

7. You are cautious with other people's money, taking seriously your fiduciary responsibility.

If you follow these principles, you will succeed on many levels, engendering an atmosphere of trust and loyalty. Working in such an atmosphere, the group will feel secure at a basic level that is very necessary. Insecurity creates massive stress and all the problems that attend it.

But we have to be realistic, too. Today more than ever, it takes consciousness to keep on the responsible track. For many in business, responsibility has become an old-fashioned value to be shrugged off in favor of profitability. The financial crash of 2008 was engineered through a flagrant lack of responsibility, combined with risk-taking far out of bounds with sensible practice. Yet the lesson that the financial sector took away was the opposite of responsible. With record profits and huge bonuses in the offing, they went back to a slightly modified version of their worst practices.

All of this took place within a larger trend of income inequality, the deterioration of worker's benefits, lost pensions, and pressure to show a rising profit to shareholders. If you expect to be a leader, you must decide personally if you are going to follow the trend or hold on to your own values. The ultimate responsibility is the one you owe to yourself.

When I teach executives about the soul of leadership, there's an overall vision I hold out:

Leading from the soul means that you take responsibility for more than the group’s needs. You have a concern for everyone’s person growth. This responsibility begins with your own evolution. In eight areas of your life you have the power to be guided by your soul: thoughts, emotions, perception, personal relationships, social role, environment, speech, and the body. In all of these areas your behavior affects the people you lead. If you evolve, so will they.

To lead from the soul means that evolution is your top priority. You never act in such a way that you lower the self-esteem of others. You examine your underlying beliefs and modify them as new opportunities for growth reveal themselves. Because evolution is an unstoppable force in the universe, you draw upon invisible powers. Therefore, being responsible is no longer a burden. It rests lightly on you as long as you continue to grow.

In my experience, this vision is embraced enthusiastically by top executives. They all know the burden of responsibility and carry it. They are relieved to hear about a path where responsibility isn't a burden. We'll talk more about it in the next post.

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posted by bukook