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2012. 9. 20. 10:20 내면으로



Hi D,

닥딱하면 딱딱할수록 더욱 좋고신나고황홀한  것 중의 하나가 남자의 성기 속칭 남근일 것이다. 남근을 떠올리면 생각나는 인물이 있다. 살아있는부의전설 도날드 트럼프와 죽어간거부의전설 아리스토털 오나시스다. 그들은 외모에서 코에서 특히 당당한 스타일에서 남근의 거대함이 연상되어진다. 하기야 그러니까 지하철손잡이를 잡고 있는 남자의 힘줄로부터도 남근의발기를 느낀다는 여인네들이야 오죽하겠냐 그러기에 이 두 남정네는 세상 최고브랜드의 여인님들을 거느렸을지도 모르겠다. 딱딱해져야 할 것이 마땅히 남근임에도 불구하고 남근은 커녕 딱따해저서는 안될 생각이 딱딱해저서 통찰력도 잃어버리고 해결이 실마리도 찾지못하고 있다.

생각이 딱딱해지는 고질의 현상이란 불평불먼 등의 부정적 사고생각신념을 일컽는 말이다. 누구나가 불평을 불만을 않겠다고 또는 원하지도 않는다고 한다. 그러나 모르는 사이, 의식할 시간도 없이 부지불식간에 불평불만은 쌓여 간다. 그 불평이 그 불평하나로 끝나면 오죽 좋겠나만은 불평은 꼭 불평을 기ㅏ급수 복리로 증폭시킨다. 결국은 '나'너그대의 삶과  인생을 '암'이란 불치의 귿은 덩어리로 몰고 간다, 이게 바로 불평불만등 부정의 폐해다. '암'세포는 정상적인 세포의 활동을 방해저해한다. 부정의 생각사고는 성공의 길목에서 '나너그대의 바지가랭이를 잡고 놓지를 않는다. 뒤로 몰아 간다.

뭘 원하는가. 뭘 바라늩가. 못표가 뭔가. 어떤 성고이 목표인가.. 이들 그정상 그목표 그성공을 바라보라. 아니지요 어떻게 도달할까라는 방법은 접어 방석으로 깔고 앉으셔서 원하는 바의 그것, 달성쟁취된 그모습을 바라보십시요. 고기 덩어리를 바러ㅏ보며 침을 흘리는 거=ㅏㅇ아지처럼 황홀하게 바라다 보십시요. 느끼십시요. 부정은 물러갑니다, 감정이 유연하게 살아나고 발걸음도 힘차게 전향적으로 전진합니다요.

It happens everyday.
More often than than you realize.
Most of the time you don't even know it's happening.
But every time it happens you create more negative energy.
And that negative energy destroys your life.
It creates more misery, failure and struggle.
You don't want to create more negative situations.
But you do that without realizing it.
If you don't stop, things will just get worse and worse.
You'll attract more negative situations and more struggle.
You're creating this negative energy when you complain.
When you complain you create more negative thoughts.
And that's what creates more and more negative energy.
The kind that ruins your life.
And prevents you from getting what you want.
Today I'll show you how to stop creating that negative
energy, how to put an end to the complaining and
how to turn things around so that you attract and
get more of what you want... Read on...
Everyday you complain about something.
You think it's justified.
You need to express your opinion and
complain about what you don't like.
You tell yourself it's okay, you have a right to
complain and so you keep complaining.
Complaining at things like getting cold food at a restaurant is okay.
But when you continually complain about your life,
you think about the negative things and
that creates more negative energy.
Before you know it, you've created a habit of complaining.
Then it gets harder and harder to stop.
It starts with a simple complaint.
And then a friend, colleague, or a loved one hears you,
picks up on what you said and adds another complaint.
And that creates more negative thoughts and more negative energy.
You keep attracting, building and spreading more
and more negative energy.
Then you get into a negative situation or
attract a negative event, make a bad choice
(because of all that negativity) and you attract more negative situations.
Before you know it, you're thoughts, words and actions are all negative.
You then continue to get more and more negative.
That's only because you're thinking about all that is wrong.
So you continue generating more and more negative energy.
It keeps going.
You don't realize it but all that complaining,
all that negative energy forces your
subconscious mind to create more negative events for you.
It thinks you want more negative situations
because you keep complaining and you keep thinking
about all the negative things in your life; things that you don't like.
That's when life goes from bad to worse.
Your subconscious and inner powers think you
want more to complain about so they
keep bringing you more negative situations,
more misery and more to complain about.
I know that's not what you want.
But they don't.
They're just going on what you regularly think about.
So put an end to it.
Change the message you send to your
subconscious and your inner powers.
Eliminate that negative energy.
Replace it with positive energy.
Direct your subconscious mind and your
inner powers to bring you positive situations.
So that you succeed and enjoy life.
Get rid of those negative and limiting beliefs
that keep destroying your life.
Send the right messages to your subconscious and inner powers today
Click Here To Get Started
Negative thoughts and negative statements lead to negative beliefs.
Your beliefs are picked up by your subconscious and inner powers.
These are the instructions that they follow.
When you have negative beliefs you create more
negative situations and you end up with a negative life.
You keep attracting and getting more of what you don't want.
You keep creating more blocks and more barriers.
That's why you can't make more money,
you can't meet the right person,
you can't grow your business,
you can't make the right choices...
It's all because of the blocks that you've put on your subconscious mind.
And the more you complain the worse it gets.
Stop complaining.
Change the negative thoughts.
Stop saying negative things.
Get rid of the blocks that hold you back.
Instead of complaining, think about the positive things in your life.
Appreciate what you have.
If you're not happy with a situation, don't complain.
Think about what you want.
Then direct your mind and subconscious mind
to create exactly what you want.
If you complain about not having a job, or
about how hard it is to find a job you'll
continue to have a difficult time finding a job.
Instead, focus on the positive.
Think about how you can find a job.
What you can do to be the kind of person people want to hire.
Encourage yourself instead of getting angry or upset with the situation.
Take time to appreciate some of the positive things in your life.
When you think about what you want,
you eliminate the negative energy and
you create positive energy.
This positive energy and the positive thoughts
force your subconscious and inner powers to
create more positive situations for you.
You end up getting more of what you want,
and less of what you don't want.
And You keep attracting more and more positive situations.
So make it a habit to be more positive.
Choose positive words and positive thoughts.
Appreciate what you have.
Focus on the positive aspects of life.
Think about what you want.
Fill your subconscious mind up with positive beliefs.
Create more and more positive energy and you'll have more success
Click Here To Get Started
You can enjoy your life.
You can achieve your goals.
You are a powerful person.
You have tremendous power.
That power is your subconscious mind and your inner powers.
Start directing them today.
They will create exactly what you want when you give them the right directions.
Believe in yourself.
Believe in your ability. Start living the life you want today
Click Here To Get Started
Wishing you tremendous success...

Karim Hajee
Creating Power


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