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2005. 11. 3. 11:13 스크랩

Washington Monument,  Washington DC, U.S.A. Photographic Print by Lee Foster

사회자 봅 바커가 "미쓰usa 테리 아모스"라고 발표했을 때 내 얼굴은

눈물의 폭포수가 흘러내리고 관중석으로부터는 거대한 박수갈채가 객장을

가득 메우며 터져 나왔다. 바로 그 순간 나의 내면에선 공포 무서움 두려움

비참한 불행감이 들어와 채워졌다. 내가 느끼는 내면과 외부의 총체적인

단절로 인해 그렇게 불안 했었다.사회자는 이좋은 일에 웃어라고 웃으라고

주문 한다. 무대 위에서 화려한 의상에 그 대단한 왕관이 머리에 씌워졌다.

그러나 도무지 알 수 없는 분노와 비참한 좌절이 이 영광의 내 왕관을

먹어 치워 버렸다.부모님으로부터 큰 소리 한 번 안치기로 약속받고 성장한

사람이 기대나 계획의 정반대로의 결과를 초래한 것을 본적은 없는가,

친한 친구나 애인에게 더 가깝게 하나되는 관계를 형성할려고 노력하다가

오히려 싸움을 한 적은 없는가. 지금 내가 바로 그런 경우다. 그리하여 마침내

난 엄청난 비밀을 찾아 내었다. 이 거데한 비밀을 모두와 함께 나눠 갖고 싶기에..

In 1982 Bob Barker called out my name and pronounced me, Miss USA. With tears pouring down my face and applause coming from the audience, my insides were experiencing fear, dread, and unhappiness.

The feeling of being totally disconnected from what I felt inside was so uncomfortable. Bob Barker had to tell me to smile. On the outside, I was wearing the crown. On the inside, I was a complex mix of raw emotions. I owned the crown but my anger and frustration owned me.

Did you grow up promising never to yell at your kids and wonder how things turned out just the opposite? Ever get into a fight with your lover or best friend just at the time you were trying to get closer together? It was the story of my life. Then I discovered the most amazing secret and I'd like to share it with you.

You Have to Heal in Order to Feel
The Search For Love Begins Inside You

My problem began with my parents encouraging me in the path of perfection. They believed this would get me the most love and approval in life. I was encouraged to be Miss Perfect on the outside but on the inside, I felt empty and alone.

Because I continually denied who I was and what my heart really felt and wanted, I became filled with anger, sadness, guilt, judgment and blame. All of my relationships suffered. At times the emotions I was feeling bubbled to the surface and I erupted in explosions of rage stunning my family and friends. Then, I would become Miss Perfect again and resemble the calm of a quiet mountain brook with the turmoil hidden beneath the surface.

I continued my ways of self-denial in my marriage and with my children until I discovered the gift of inner change and healing. And in doing so, I discovered that my struggle had relevance to others.

In 1982, I traveled across America as a beauty queen. That journey left me empty. But as I’ve walked the path of loving and honoring myself, getting to know myself, and giving myself permission to truly live from my heart, I’ve found a love deep within. That love is the connection I found to God. It is in this connection that I have healed and, as a result, all of my relationships have healed as well.

The miracles and the true love that I experience on a daily basis now cannot be found outside of one’s self. They must be found within. Now, I travel across America and appear on radio and television to help people find this connection. My mission is to help you discover and embrace the real you, not the person you thought you had to be to be loved. By standing in your truth you create a connection to God’s love inside of you. That’s where true love lives.

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posted by bukook