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2005. 11. 29. 14:40 스크랩

Pretty Polly Lingerie Framed Art Print

우리네 홍등가 사창가에선 여인들이 진한 화장을하고 윈도 안에 앉아 있고

사내는 들어다보구 골른다. 극 올바른 선택이 될까 어차피 골라야 한다면

보다 중요한 곳을 검사해야하는 것 아닌감. 미국 메인 주의 주도 오우거스타

한 속옷 가게에선 속옷 마네킹을 실물 실제 여인으로 대채했다고. 물론 찬반 양론이

분분한 데 가게 주인은 잠재고객 개발에 좋고 기억에남아 좋을 뿐만 아니라

모델은 얼마든지 있다고 벗고 드러내길 좋아하는 사람 아니 여인이 줄을 선다고.

경찰은 전혀 불법이 아니라고. 년말 X-MAX도 바로 코 앞인 데 우리네 명동 종로 압구정

홍대 어느 한 곳에 아님 전부가 이런 아이디어 차용하면...

Lingerie Store Window Has Live Models

2 hours, 18 minutes ago

AUGUSTA, Maine - In this town, window shopping is attracting a lot more guys than usual.

A lingerie store called Spellbound is grabbing attention with live models in the window.

Some people have complained, but police say there is nothing illegal about the lingerie models.

"It's tainting the wholesome businesses down here," said Carrie Rossignol, co-owner of

Video Game Exchange. "I think it's selfish, and I think it's morally reprehensible."

Another downtown merchant likes the idea, saying the models are attracting more potential customers

to the area. "It's like a New York thing. It's urban. It's edgy," said Stacy Gervais, owner of Stacy's

Hallmark Store and a founder of a downtown merchants group. "We need a shtick ?

something that we do that attracts people and gets us remembered."

Spellbound owner Felicia Stockford said she has had no trouble finding staffers.

She said the young women enjoy strutting their stuff in the shop window.

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posted by bukook