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2008. 10. 7. 17:35 기본

오늘 이 하루 행해지고 되어진 모든 것은 내 생각하는 습관에 따른 것들이다.

습관적인 생각이 내 생활을 만들어간다.

한번 더듬어 보면 모든 것이 거의 일정한 습관적인 모습자세태도에 의해 이뤄진 것들이다.

굳어진 어떤 일정한 습관대로 커피를 홀짝거리고, 습관적으로 되어진 형태로 밥을 먹고,

늘하는 습관대로 옷을 입고, 거의 똑 같은 습관적인 자세로 걸음걸이를 옮기고

생각까지도습관처럼 되어버린 어떤 일종한 자세로 행하면서 살아간다.

다른 것은 또 그렇다할지라도 생각만은

습관처럼 행해도 않되고, 습관처럼 되어버린 익숙한 태도로 해서도 않된다.

생각은 인생 전체를 결정하기 때문이다.

습관적으로 자주하는 생각, 늘 마음에 두고 있는 생각, 입버릇처럼되뇌는 생각이

신념을 만들어내고 잠재의식은 이런 신념을 받아들여

생각한 그대로실제 세상에조만간 실현해버린다.

수시로생각을 돌아보아 바꿔야만 한다.

생각은 그냥두면 지 맘대로 모든 부정적인 것, 나쁜 것, 안되는 것,제한이나 한계,

실패하는 것, 망하는 것 등 불가능한 것과 패배적인 것만을 잔뜩 쌓아나간다.

경작않는 논과 밭을 보라 그 곳엔 잡초만이 무성하다.

그러나 가꾸는 논 밭엔 열매가 풍성하고

가지런하고 단정하고 반듯하다.

생각을 관리통제하여 긍정적인 것으로 쌓으면

'08 마지막 분기 Q4 4/4에는 년초에 노트에 적어놓고 달려온

그 결실이 확실히 틀림없이 나타난다.

90일 충분하고도 충분한 시간이다.

씨앗이 나무가 되는 시간이다.

A visitor looks at Pablo Picasso's 1937 oil on canvas 'Portrait ...

파리에서 전시중인 피카소, 고흐전으로 전시에 든 비용만 5백8십만불이라고

All you have to do is change your thinking habits.

Everyday you follow a particular routine which really are your habits that you follow.

Lets face it; we're all creatures of habit. You do things a certain way, everyday, no matter what.

You may brush your teeth a certain way, put your clothes on a certain way, sip your tea or coffee a certain way, walk a certain way and you think a certain way.

The last one, the way you think, has a big impact on your life.

The way you think ultimately shapes your life. Because what you think regularly will lead to a belief, and that belief is what the subconscious mind creates in your life.

So if you have a habit of thinking of the worst you will often get the worst.

If you have a habit of thinking of how difficult it is to make ends meet then you will always have a difficult time making ends meet.

Just like any other habit you can change your habit of thinking.

And just like any other habit, changing will take practice.

Changing your thoughts on a regular basis is the first step to creating a new habit of thinking. By doing this you can go from having a thought habit that doesn't work for you to one that does.

Affirmations are a great tool but most people never say the right affirmations, they don't say them the right way and they often forget to say them.

Think about it - have you worked with affirmations in the past?

Do you remember them? Do you say them everyday, throughout the day?

Chances are you're like most people and you simply forget to say them or you're saying the wrong affirmations.

I want you to work with the right affirmations so I created my new series called Power Affirmations.

If you have financial issues your mind and subconscious mind will learn new thought patterns to help you attract and build wealth.

If you lack confidence or self-esteem you will develop new thought patterns that help you create extreme confidence and self-esteem

If you're uncomfortable in social situations your mind will learn how to help you overcome this so that you're comfortable in any situation.

Manifest wealth and abundance

Attract opportunities to build wealth

Increase confidence and self-esteem

Be more comfortable in social situations

'기본' 카테고리의 다른 글

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작전명령  (0) 2008.10.17
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I WILL  (0) 2008.10.01
구글 1호 핸펀  (0) 2008.09.25
posted by bukook