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2005. 8. 10. 13:54 기본

Hello, Donald Trump here.

I am searching for a few like-minded people to share my personal wealth building strategies with, and I want you to be one of the first to hear about it.

Please note, you are being extended a rare opportunity that can only be found on this web page. It’s important that you read this now, as it is a limited-time offer.

You have been selected to receive this letter because you have previously expressed a desire in making more money. And I am looking for decisive people to join my exclusive wealth building team and participate in the benefits that come with it.

If you’re motivated, smart and decisive (meaning a real action taker) when presented with the right money making opportunity then trust me you are going to want to be part of this team. Please read on.

You may have heard on the news, NBC, etc., or read about it in Forbes that I recently launched Trump University.

I was motivated to launch Trump University because everywhere I go, people plead with me to take my knowledge of business success to the next level. Specifically I’ve been encouraged to put together a real wealth building training system that takes people through a structured step-by-step process.

When you look at the choices available for getting an education that will produce world-class wealth, it’s easy to understand why so many want more.

So I’ve done it, on two different levels. First, for the general population I’ve launched Trump University. However, I’m not talking to you about Trump University’s online education curriculum.

I’m talking about the second level, which is for you to become part of an elite wealth building team that works under my direction. I call it the Trump Real Estate Alliance.

Let me tell you why Trump University is unique and why the second level is invitation only.

The Missing Wealth Building Gap In Education

I’m a big believer in education. It’s critical in today’s society if you plan on getting anywhere.

There are only two ways to get an education in our society. You either go to college or you go to the school of hard knocks.

A formal education is great. It teaches you how to think and really use your brain. Upon graduation you know a lot of things. However, there is a big difference in “knowing” and "doing". Ironically a college education doesn’t really pay off until you’ve been through a few hard knocks “courses” of your own.

When you graduate from the school of hard knocks your education has been gained from "doing." In the school of hard knocks you take action first and then learn from the results-- good or bad. However, without the “knowing,” the doing can be very painful and expensive. Unfortunately the hard knocks tuition is more costly than a formal education.

At Trump University, we bring together the best of both worlds. It joins the idea of what to do to get there. It’s “real world” education. It’s the only thing that bridges the gap between the two.

So now you can have a wealth creation system based on the best of both worlds. I have contacted you because I believe you’re the type of person who would appreciate this approach.

It’s a tough world we live in. And you have to learn to be tough-minded to succeed.

As you know, those who are willing to think big and follow a few sound strategies and techniques attain great wealth. The time for you to begin using these same time-tested techniques and strategies, and achieve financial prosperity is NOW!

Before you can make profits, you must make profitable decisions. As the authority on career reinvention, I want to take you on the ultimate path to success.

I’m anxious to see who takes me up on my offer to become part of the Trump Real Estate Alliance.

How Do You Qualify to Become Part of My Wealth Building Proposition?

You have indicated a desire to begin making more money either on a part-time or full-time basis, otherwise you would not continue reading my letter. Assuming you qualify, I’m asking you to seriously consider the impact on your financial future by becoming involved with a billionaire’s wealth building system.

But first you have to qualify.

How do you qualify? You need to answer 3 questions contained within this letter. It sounds simple enough, but I assure you it is far more important than you might imagine.

Everyone wants to make more money, live in a better home, drive a better car, travel without limitations and live “the lifestyle,” but no one wants to factor in the many sacrifices that are involved to get there.

I’m here to tell you the sacrifices are worth it.

Imagine what it would be like to never worry about paying for your children’s college education, or helping them out in life when they need it. Imagine being a highly influential contributor to your most cherished cause and having a voice that can make a difference. Imagine being regarded as extremely successful in the community and by your family and friends. Imagine what it would feel like to be debt free.

If this is what you seek then you are the perfect candidate for my wealth building team.

Here’s the first qualifying question?the easy one.

Will you give me at least 10 hours a week to work on the assignments you will get from me to learn how to build massive personal wealth?

If not, then you’re not ready. You’ve actually already “fired” yourself from the most lucrative wealth building experience that has ever been offered to you. You don't need to waste your time or mine by reading any further.

If you can commit to give me 10 hours a week then read on, you’ll be glad you did.


It wasn’t until my TV show The Apprentice that I understood people’s hunger to learn how great personal wealth is created.

Thousands applied to be my apprentice, and millions tuned in to the program, making it the highest-rated debut of the season.

As it turned out, I discovered there are three types of people. Those who stay home and watch, those who apply to become an Apprentice and those who actually become involved.

It's clear, people are seeking answers to their financial frustrations. Trump University can help you find those answers.

In my book The Way to the Top I ask the question...

    How can you find your way to the top?”

My answer is a simple one...

    “Ask people who are already there.”

Perhaps you’ve sought out someone’s advice when at a cross-road in your life or when facing a difficult challenge.

Look, none of us are ever done learning. Just last year I asked 154 of the best business leaders in the country what was the best business advice they ever received. I received fabulous council from people like Cathie Black, President of Hearst Magazines, Michael J. Critelli, Chairman, President and CEO of Pitney Bowes, Inc and Dawn Hudson, North American President of Pepsi-Cola, Inc.

As I look back to the beginning of my career I recognize my father, Fred Trump, as my greatest mentor and teacher.

My Father’s smart and tough mentorship showed me the ropes, taught me what I needed to know to be successful in the family construction business, cut years off my learning curve and helped me avoid many pitfalls others often fall prey to.

I couldn’t have received this invaluable “real world” knowledge anywhere else. I created Trump University to be your access to the top minds in the country. I would be honored to have you use this resource to get answers to your wealth building and success question.

This brings us to qualifying question two.

Can you take calculated risks?

Most people get queasy at the very mention of the word “risk.” But I’m talking about a “calculated” risk. That means you evaluate and study out the risk and then knowingly, rationally, and responsibly take action. I know no other way of achieving success.

If you can’t stomach risk in any shape or form then you simply aren’t ready to move forward in your life and create the changes you want. And it’s not just my wealth-building proposition you aren’t ready for. Nothing can help you until you find the confidence and drive within yourself to learn what you need to know to be successful and then act on that knowledge.

If you understand that our lives are full of risk on a daily basis -- driving is a risk, relationships are a risk, recreation is a risk -- but you face it without letting it paralyze you, then you are the type of person I’m looking to work with. Great and wonderful things await you in life if you are willing to take calculated risks.

How Do You Succeed In a Fiercely Competitive World?

Look, it’s a tough world we live in. You have to be tough to survive and thrive.

In a highly competitive world, my father taught me that the one sure way of being successful is to know everything you can about what you do. But for many, especially working adults, finding the time to get the right education is difficult. And much of the business education offered today does not deliver the practical learning that will help your career immediately reach your financial goals.

I am offering a different kind of business education. It's "real world" knowledge. It delivers the kind of business knowledge that has been “road tested” by real people like yourself. It’s the kind of knowledge you can begin using immediately to improve your financial position.

If you are seeking a better lifestyle, are ready to open a new door to your future and willing to conquer your fears then you are an ideal candidate for my team of wealth builders.

It is Not Enough to Want it. You’ve Got To Know How To Get it.

I am extending a personal invitation to you to join me, along with a few select others, and become part of Trump Real Estate Alliance. The way you get into the Alliance is by getting my Trump University Real Estate Series.

In my New Real Estate Series I reveal my secrets for succeeding in real estate. In truth, they aren’t tactics or strategies; they are the governing principles that have taken me further than any other real estate investor in the world.

On the surface they may appear simple, however, do not make the mistake of dismissing them. If you are to succeed in real estate, adopting these philosophies as your own will take you to the top a lot faster than you realize.

Real Estate is a unique way of acquiring wealth. Unique in the following ways...

  • Anyone can get involved in real estate. You can invest regardless of your education level, where you live or what your background is.

  • Contrary to what many people think, you don’t have to have a ton of money to get started in real estate. There are many creative strategies you can easily learn that make it possible to do profitable real estate deals with very little or no cash. I did my first real estate deal while attending college and used none of my own money, ending up with a profit $6 million. You can learn these types of strategies, techniques and tactics at Trump University.

  • Real estate investing can provide two types of income: 1. Large profits: When you know how to put together the right deal you can have a large chunk of money drop into your bank account. In fact, the right deal can generate more income than the average person makes in a year. 2. Residual income: Once you know how, you can put together a string of real estate deals that will provide you with a monthly income, virtually forever.

  • You can get started investing in real estate on a part-time basis and keep it that way or turn it into a full-time profession. Many people have been pleasantly surprised with their results by devoting as little as 10 hours a week to real estate investing. A few hours a week is a small sacrifice to make for the generous return real estate has to offer.

You know that I like to THINK BIG. I encourage big thinking. I want you to think big.

Thus, qualifying question three.

Can you think big?

I’m seeking people with big goals and ?big dreams--People who believe in themselves.

Listen, you don’t have to aspire to become a billionaire, but on the other hand I don’t want to work with you if your only aspiration is paying off the loan on the family jalopy.

I want you if you’re eager to do something more with your life. If you hunger for the chance to do something meaningful, if you possess ambition, excitement and passion for life, then you qualify. To find out more keep reading.

Remember these two facts:

  1. No one starts at the top.
  2. No one makes it to the top who doesn’t take the first step to begin.

With that in mind, I strongly urge you to begin today. Winning begins the moment you do. Below I’ve provided the quintessential package to get you started in the Trump Real Estate Alliance. Take a look at what you get, you’ll be impressed.


You’ll be delighted to learn that, against the advice of many of my colleagues, I’ve set a price point on this course far below the actual value. I’ve been advised that high-powered consultants who don’t have the name and reputation, nor have achieved anywhere near the financial success I have, charge over a $1000 for an hour of their time, some even charge five grand. I’ll let you decide for yourself what an hour of my time might be worth to you, but rest assured you can easily afford my Real Estate Series.

I’ve priced this just released Real Estate Series at a mere $39.95, plus I've backed it up with a "Fire Me" if you’re not 100% satisfied” money back 30 day guarantee.

Why such an affordable price? The answer is simple: this is how I know I can get the cream to rise to the top. I’ve learned that in order to be successful people have to have what is known in sports parlance as “Some skin in the game.”

Believe it or not, it’s amazing how many people this paltry sum of money will eliminate, but it’s a good thing because I only want to work with the cream of the crop, those with vision and the willingness to be decisive.

Would you like to become rich by investing in real estate? Possibly, very rich? Then master the art of timing. What is timing? Most people would say it means taking advantage of opportunities when they come along. This is true, however, if you want to get very rich, then commit my definition of timing to memory...

Acting at the right time to take advantage of a trend.

Real Estate Series:

Catch the Wave

Catching the Wave ?

How Timing Can Make You a Fortune in Real Estate Today

No one really understands the exponential power of timing! Timing has been one of the key factors behind my biggest successes. Because this is something I know better than anyone, I want you to learn how to use it to profit in your life, both professionally and personally. When applied to the world of real estate investing, timing is like releasing your own financial chain reaction. Your results can be exponential.

When you get your downloadable copy of my Catching the Wave you will learn:

  • How to recognize and take advantage of timing, and how to make absolutely sure you understand the dangers of not taking all the existing trends into consideration.
  • Scrutinize two case studies on how to make timing work for you and how it can work against you.

The first is the story of Gennady and Maria Yevshenko, an immigrant couple from Ukraine. You will see how a hardworking and resourceful limousine driver and house cleaner successfully took advantage of timing. Even after 9/11, when Gennady’s income as a limo driver vanished overnight, their understanding of timing turned into a small fortune for them. (p.5)

  • Understand how timing and trends work together and how you can capitalize on them and how to avoid danger and risk.
  • How you can understand and profit from the timing of regional trends. ? By researching regional trends one young couple bought a home only to have its value jump 30% in a few months, and in 2005 the New York Times ran an article stating the values of many properties in that area doubled that year alone.
  • Why “traditional” advice can cost you a small fortune if you don’t understand the regional trends. The “right” thing to do for years can become the “wrong” thing to do with changing regional trends. Timing is everything. (p.13)
  • Discover three no cost “stealth” tactics for finding out in advance what an areas hottest new developments are, before they ever break ground. (p.27)
  • Learn the three ultimate success factors whether you are thinking of investing in a community or you already own property there. (p.29)
  • A deadly "common" and widespread belief about refinancing that can cost you hundreds of thousands of dollars, even millions. Don't fall prey to this faulty thinking. (p.33)
  • The "secret weapon" you can deploy to ensure your mortgage loans never fall victim to runaway interest rates.
  • How forcing yourself to use "Doomsday" thinking can add huge profits to your bottom line. (p.34)
  • Don't fall prey to the Big Bad Wolf of the lending world. I have flushed him out of his lair into plain sight. Never be taken advantage of again.
  • Learn a highly profitable, rarely understood insider technique that reveals when you can offer a higher price for a property and make more money.
  • How the timing in your love relationships, employment and family relationships can add massive wealth to your bottom line and how ignoring them can just as easily spell disaster. (p.51)
  • How to create a profitable personal plan based on your age, gender and where you are in life's journey. Two sample plans, one for a young single woman and the other for a man in his fifties thinking of retirement.
  • 7 questions you must ask if you want to avoid a quick route to failure in real estate investing. (p. 54)
  • 3 factors that will exponentially increase your odds of success.
  • Get the real story behind my trend-setting entry into the lucrative hotel and gaming industries.
  • Three things you need to do to create a trend in your area.
  • The 7 traits of a visionary. Do you possess these coveted characteristics? (p.65)

The world-class information you will learn in this downloadable ebook will give you what you need to get started on your own path to success. However, I want to add one special bonus that I believe you will find extremely valuable.

Bonus Chapter:

5 Trends That Can Make You Rich in Real Estate Today

(Included as a bonus Chapter in Catch the Wave)

  • New suburban-style communities called exurbs are springing up across the country. Here's what you need to know about these booming new areas, and 4 ways to profit from this trend.
  • America's "minorities" are minorities no more. Three must know facts about this exploding market and how to capitalize on it.
  • Baby boomers are reaching retirement. Are you ready to meet their new real estate demands? If not, you should be.
  • Energy demands and costs are rising. Discover how you can use this trend to build your own real estate empire.
  • The number of single Americans is growing. Three exploding markets and two of them are not what you think! Getting in now may be the smartest thing you could do.

The world-class information you will learn in these three downloadable books will give you what you need to get started on your own path to success. However, I want to add one special bonus that I believe you will find extremely valuable.

Fortune Without Fear -

Fortune without Fear

How to Neutralize Risk and Build Your Fortune in Today's Hazardous Real Estate Market

Fortune Without Fear teaches another set of critical skills that will help you build a fortune in real estate…

The Ability to Handle Risk

Why write a book about risk? Because risk is part of any real estate activity. You can analyze it, you can minimize it, but you cannot avoid risk entirely. Ultimately, your ability to handle risk will determine how successful you are in real estate.

Here are some of the things you will learn in my downloadable Fortune Without Fear:

  • A Rock Solid Way to Minimize Risk. Four effective strategies for analyzing a problem and taking action.
  • Are you brave, reckless or a coward? Which of these traits define your relationship to risk?
  • Today's Most Risk Resistant Business Structures-Discover the most risk-free business structure for you as you build your real estate empire.
  • How to Screen a Business Partner Before it's too late. (p. 10)
  • Minimizing Risk with the Right Insurance.
  • Get the Inside Scoop on Common Mistakes Beginners Make When Buying Property Insurance.
  • How to Find Out if Your Insurance Company is Going Out of Business. (p. 26)
  • Insider Secrets to Lowering Your Insurance Premiums.
  • How to Know Even More about Properties then the Inspectors You Hire. (p.28)
  • 5 Critical Things You Should Know Before You Hire an Inspector.
  • How to Find a Certified Inspector in Your Area. Three great Internet sites.
  • How to Check on an Inspector's Certification. Is it really valid?
  • Two Essential Reasons You Should Carry a Digital Camera When Inspecting a property. (p.31)
  • One Thing Everyone forgets When Inspecting a Home. Overlook this at your own personal peril. (p.56)
  • Unpleasant Risks No One Liked to Talk About. Ignore them and they can cost you a bundle.
  • Avoiding the Perils of Risky Financing. How to protect yourself from risky mortgage financing, including owner financing.
  • When to Use a Balloon Mortgage-generally considered as high risk loans there is a time you should consider using them.
  • The Only Exception for Seeking an Interest-Only Loan. (p. 74)
  • Learn from these Two Owner-Financing Case Studies-when owner financing is an invitation to disaster.

Two insightful case studies illustrate the pros and cons of owner-financing. John and Cynthia Cobb's story shows how creative financing put them into a home with no money down. The got the exact home they wanted in the exact neighborhood they wanted. And the owner came out ahead in the deal as well. A win/win deal for everyone. (p.76)

  • Four Wealth-Preserving Secrets of Real Estate Masters. (p. 82)
  • Three Things You Can Do to Protect Yourself from a Bad Partner.
  • The Real Estate Investors Worst Nightmare and How to Avoid it. (p. 84)
  • Three Ways to Prevent The Government from Claiming Your Fortune after You Die.
  • Dishonest Employees Bleed You Dry. Four practical ways to protect yourself against this happening to you.

Downloadable DVD:

A Candid Conversation With Donald Trump

I compare this DVD series to a conversation two friends might have over lunch-- casual, unrehearsed and unscripted with questions about certain topics naturally arising. You can hear my candid (perhaps too candid) opinions and philosophies on success. Some may call it a “billionaires mind-set," but I don’t necessarily look at it that way. I think of it as a core set of values and beliefs that any successful person should have. Here is a list of the conversation topics:

  • Creating a great brand
  • Career advice
  • Education
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Leadership
  • Learning Business
  • Book Smarts vs. Street Smarts / Being Mentored
  • Making and learning from your mistakes
  • Success in Real Estate
  • Salesmanship
  • Dealing with Failure
  • Trump University

Book Smarts vs. Street Smarts / Being Mentored

Think Big Bonus:


Free Membership to Trump University

Your membership includes:

  • Free lifetime membership to Trump University

  • Access to the Connect section at Trump University ? A discussion forum, the Trump Blog, and ongoing opportunities for valuable interaction with Donald Trump and other experts combine to provide a unique resource.

  • Inside Trump Tower archives - This archive collects every issue of the weekly e-newsletter of Trump University. The articles feature valuable strategies for success, written by Donald Trump and other experts. Inside Trump Tower is intended to unleash the power of self-directed learning for a happier and more successful career. The themes of some past issues include: Think Big, Go with Your Gut, Love What You Do, and Knowledge is Power.

  • Members only discounts on courses and products, Preferred pricing and a guaranteed slot in future Trump Real Estate Alliance programs

Here’s how to get going:

You get everything for a small one-time fee of just $3995. Simply click here and you'll be taken to my totally secure "Risk Free Request Form."

I won’t even consider this transaction binding for 30 days. Go ahead and try it, experience what it’s like to get into the mind of a billionaire and prepare for what’s to come.

The worst that can happen is you'll come out a little bit smarter. The best thing that can happen to you is you will learn how to create great personal wealth and not only make a difference in your own life but others as well.

This offer gives you more control of personal and financial freedom than anything ever offered before. However...

You have one final qualifying question to answer.

I know I said I only had three questions and that’s true. This question isn’t mine... it’s yours. The answer isn’t for me or anyone else... Ask yourself...

“Am I worth it?”

Perhaps you think that question is obvious. I assure you there is nothing trite about it. The answer to this question is tied into the laws of the universe.

Look, if you don’t have a deep-seated belief that you are worth the effort, deserve a life full of prosperity, happiness and opportunity then, quite frankly, you won’t get it.

You see, there are natural laws for success, and if you think negatively about yourself you have set in motion the powers of the universe against you, and only you can reverse it.

So, if you have ANY hesitation, misgiving or doubt about my proposition to show you how to create great personal wealth through my new Trump University Real Estate Series and Trump Real Estate Alliance, then there’s no point in you getting involved with me or anyone else until you can turn it around.

I’m not in the business of dealing with “tire kickers.” It’s not a hard decision to make, either you are worth it and you’re ready to open new doors of opportunity and seize the day or you’re not. You know the answer.

If you believe that you are worth it I welcome you to a rewarding and exciting new lifestyle.

Go ahead, be decisive and get your "Trump University Downloadable Real Estate Series" now. Don't put this off.

Soon you’ll be living life on your terms.

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