Hi Don shah,
Ever get into a situation where things aren't
going the way you want? You then try to use
positive thinking to turn things around but
it doesn't work.
Or you tell yourself: "I'm thinking positive
and everything will work out." But nothing changes
Maybe things get worse, and so you get frustrated.
Positive thinking won't work when you try to use
it after things have already gone wrong.
That's because the negative situation or negative
event was created by a pattern of past negative
thinking and negative beliefs.
Trying to change things with a little bit of positive
thinking won't work because there are too many
negative beliefs that are wiping out any positive
thinking you may try to use.
Those negative beliefs are just too strong.
Your subconscious follows your beliefs.
It creates your life based on what you regularly
think and what you believe.
For positive thinking to really work you have to
always think positive, always be positive and
always have a positive attitude.
When you do that you'll be able to turn things
around quickly and you'll also avoid negative
situations - you just won't attract them.
If you have too many negative beliefs then
you have to start changing those beliefs right away.
You have to create new positive beliefs.
To create new beliefs you have to take control
of your mind, change the way you think, change
your beliefs and then you'll see dramatic changes
Click Here To Get Started
Positive thinking works... but to get it to
work for you you have to always practice and be
positive all the time - not just sometimes and
don't wait until things go wrong to be positive
That's where most people fail with
positive thinking. They try to use it after things
go wrong or when they're in a negative situation; then
they say: "Positive thinking doesn't work"
It does work
You just have to make it a part of your
daily thinking and part of the way you live everyday
You see too often we wait until things go wrong
and then try to be positive, hoping things
will change instantly or overnight
Or you get into a negative situation like losing a job,
having a relationship end, get into debt, or make a
bad choice and then you try to use positive thinking to
turn things around
By then it's too late, the damage is done and no
amount of positive thinking is going to instantly
change or fix things
That's because the negative situation that you got
into was created by all the negative thinking and
negative beliefs that are dominating your mind and
subconscious mind
So using positive thinking when you're in a jam, or
when things go wrong, won't give you the quick fix or
quick turnaround you want
There are too many negative thoughts and
negative beliefs getting in the way
You have to get rid of those negative thoughts
and negative beliefs
You have to always be positive, you have to always
practice positive thinking, you have to create
new positive beliefs and then you'll be able to
turn things around and live live a positive life,
a life where things work out for you
That means you have to work on removing those
negative thoughts, you have to remove the negative
beliefs, then you have to fill your mind with
positive thoughts and positive beliefs - I show you
how and give you a step-by-step solution
Click Here To Get Started
When you have a mind that's automatically positive,
you will automatically take positive steps and
get positive results
Now if those negative thoughts and negative
beliefs remain - then it will get harder and
harder to reap the benefits of positive thinking
The negative thoughts will be too strong and
will wipe out any benefits from positive thinking
If you don't get rid of those negative beliefs and
negative thoughts you you'll attract more and more
negativity which will only make life more difficult.
So today be positive, think positive,
live a positive life, and get rid of the
negative thoughts, get rid of the negative beliefs
and you'll turn things around. You'll recover
from setbacks and you'll enjoy a positive and rewarding life
Click Here To Get Started
When you have a habit of thinking, living and being
positive you create a tremendous amount of
positive energy. And it's this positive energy
that connects with your higher power and brings
you positive situations and a positive life
To create this positive energy you have to take
control of your thoughts and give your subconscious mind
new instructions.
It's likely that no one ever told you how to think, how
to change your beliefs, how to work with your subconscious
mind or how to truly live and be positive. So it's not
your fault if you haven't been able to get positive
thinking to work for you.
But now you know how important it is to always think
and be positive. And today I'm giving you a simple system
you can follow so that you take control of your mind
and direct your subconscious mind - by changing your
thoughts and changing your beliefs.
So now it's your choice. You can choose to hope that
things will one day get better. Or you can turn your life
around, create the changes you want, achieve your goals and
get positive thinking to work for you. Just follow
the steps I outline and you'll see the dramatic
shift within a few short weeks
Click Here To Get Started
You can have what you want
You can bounce back from any setback
You can achieve your goals
You can use positive thinking, it does
work - just make it a habit, and you can
get your subconscious power to bring you
exactly what you want
Now you can take charge of your life
you can turn things around
You can have the success you want
Yes you can get the power of positive
thinking working for you today
Click Here To Get Started
Always think of the good things,
Always appreciate what you have
Always think and be positive.
Stay positive... and you'll attract
positive things into your life
Wishing you tremendous success...
Karim Hajee
Creating Power
사람들 우리 모두는 긍정의힘 긍정의암송 긍정의시각화 ...
등등을 배운대로 적용하고 들은대로 실천하고 삶과생활에
대입해 이뤄지길 바랬으나원했으나 안돼더라고한다.
대개 현대를 살아 가고 있는 전부는 일이 악화되어 더 이상 잘못될 것이
없어 보아는 막다른 골목에 와서야 그 때 허둥지둥 숨 넘어 갈듯이 설친다.
이미 곪아 버렸기에 대책이 없는 것이다. 돈문제 가족문제 장사문제 인간
관게 사회관계 .관계 그 어느 하나라도 마찬가지다. 창조주가 우리 모두
직위고하를 불문하고 '생명''목숨'을 선물로 주어 이 땅에 보냈다. 이 아득한
지구위성 ㅔ상으로 보낼 때 생명목숨이란 선물 꾸러미에 세상을 이기고 또
세상을 ㅈㄹ길 수있는 제반도구 모든 소프트 웨어를 장착해 보냈다.
무수한 기능 인류의 숫자만큼이나 많은 프로그램 앱 등이 설치되어 있는
데도 전혀 찾아 볼 생각도 않고 매일매일 고자리에 고것만 만지작거리고
더 나빠지기전에,, 누군가에게, 더 악화되기 전에, 누군가에게 손을 내밀기
전에, 누군가의 도움을 구하기 전에 , ...전에 지금 지금당장 지금즉시
처리해 버리십시다. 지금곧 성공해버리자구요, 지금바로 일ㅇ러나십시다.
풍성하소 넉넉하고 여유로운 느긋한 추석. 이계절 오늘의 이 풍요로움을
간작하고 이대로 생황 한다면 모든부정 모든문제는 아주 자잘한 티끌로
여겨질 것이비다. 풍성한한가위 망껏 양껏 누리시고 트렁크에 가방에
캐리어에 꽉꽉 밟아 넣어 가지고 오십시요.
[Happy추석 Merry한가위]를 소원 해 봅니다,.