내가 시간을 관리하고 시간을 다스리지 아니하면
시간이 나를 몰아가며 내 생명을 조금씩 아주 조금씩 앗아간다.
내가 시간을 지배굴복시키지 않으면 시간이 내삶을 단축시킨다.
근본적으로 원천적으로 인간은 시간을 관리할 수도 다스릴 수도없다.
시간은 그 자체로 그 어떤 것으로부터 아무런 제약없이 그냥 그렇게 간다
그렇다면 시간을 관리하고 시간을 지배하고 시간을 끌고간다는 게 뭔가
목표를가진, 목적이있는, 생애동안에 도달할 쟁취할 획득할 달성할
그 어떤 것을 가지고 있느냐 없느냐의 차이다.
가야할 목표, 살아야할 목적이 없는 삶은
Today's Positive Habits Article
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What is Positive Visualization?
It can be summarized in this one statement:
" We were created in the image of our creator, therefore
we are creators" Think about this statement very carefully.
Everything that you or anyone else has done since the beginning of
time began first with a thought.
If you look back at the careers of successful people you will
find that almost every one of them first visualized who
they wanted to be...long before they actually became
the successful person they became.
Stop everything you are doing right now and think about what you want
to accomplish in life in this new year. Maybe you want a new career, or
you want to be fit and trim and in great shape, perhaps you want
to start a new business or buy that dream house you always
Make a list on paper right now of the things you want to accomplish and be
this year. Read this list to yourself every day and visualize that you have
already reached that goal.
Create a detailed movie in your mind of the new you
that you want to see in 2014. Be very detailed, if your goal was a new home, picture yourself walking into that new house, picture every detail, the color, the style of home, imagine the kitchen in great detail.
If you goal was a new career or promotion, picture yourself in that new office, believe it with
all your heart as if it were already true. No matter what you goals are, visualize them every day.
You will find that one day your visualization will become a reality. Don't ask me how it works...just
know that it works. Believe me...I have experienced it in my own life.
To your Success!