Feel good and visualize what you want, making sure to feel the emotions flooding through you
To use the Law of Attraction to your advantage, you're going have to make some changes in how you think. You need to feel happy and confident, both about your goals coming true, and about life in general.
This is the part where a lot of people have trouble. You see, unless you can actually feel the emotions of having already achieved what it is you want, you won't get the best benefits from using the Law of Attraction.
Each day you should close your eyes and when focusing on your goals see in your mind's eye that it has already come true. Also make sure you FEEL the emotions of already having everything in existence right now. Basically, you should fully visualize yourself already living your dream life and experience those emotions of gratitude, accomplishment, joy and peace.
Once you have nurtured this mindset, it's typical to start having those things start physically appearing in your life, one way or another.
A great tool to help you stay focused is to create a list of positive affirmations in the present tense that represent what you want, such as "Every month I pay my bills with plenty left over," or "I am so happy I can't stop smiling".
When you're visualizing, repeat this affirmations to yourself, almost like a personal mantra, to get yourself pumped up and really feeling the emotion. Get excited because you're starting to learn how great things will be when you have your goals.
When I tell this to students and friends, I often hear, "Natalie, how in the world am I supposed to find the time to think happy thoughts and focus on goals? I barely get through the day as it is!"
My answer to that is, "Well tell me... how much time do you set aside every day to think about problems and worry about silly things that will probably never happen?"
The truth is that there are actually two types of time, internal time and external time, and they don't always line up.
Right now, you probably have dozens of thoughts a minute you're conscious of, and thousands of thoughts you're unconscious of. If you simply use your downtime to think positively, whether you're waiting in line, working out, or driving, you'll be amazed at how much the world will open up for you.
성공하기 위한, 목표를 달성하기 위한, 출세하기 위한 그 첫째 요소는 성공의목표, 달성할목표, 출세할위상이 분명히 뚜렷하도록 결정하는 것이다. 그 어떤세계적 석학유명인사서적전문서 등등에서도 불변의 제일요소다. 많은 사람들이 목표를 정했건만 아니되더라고 한다. 그럴 때 두번째 요소가 등자ㅇ한다. 성공학 전문가들에 따라 약간의 차이가 있으나 압축해보면 거의가 비슷하다.
생각의 패턴을 바꾸어라. 마음가짐을 달리하라는 것이다. 어떻게 마음가짐을 달리하느냐는 것에서 순서의 차이가 있으나 먼저 자신이 행복함을 느끼는 일이다. 행복해서 행복을 느끼는 것이 아니고, 행복하다라는 마음가짐을 가지면 행복해진다. 행복한마음가짐으로 행복함을만들어 낼 때자신과 자신의성공 목표달성 출세에 대해확신을일으킬 수있다. 실제적으로 자신이 성공한 감정느낌정서가 온 전신을 타고 흐르기를 시작하면 주변으로부터 내성공을 향한 흔적단서사람사건이 나타나기 시작한다. 뜨거운 동기 불타는 열정이 늘 항상 유지되어야하나 그것이 제대로 되기가 그리 쉽지를 않다.
붐명한 목표를 가지는 것과 함께 왜 이 목표를 달성해야만 하는지 그 이유를 밝혀 기록하라. 동기가 유발되어 진다.