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2012. 7. 30. 12:10 내면으로

Hi Don shah,

어제의 실패, 옛날의 실수, 지난 날의 나쁜 기억 등 과거에 매달려 있는 한, 과거에 묶여 있는 한, 과 거를 되씹고 곱씹는 한 절대로 앞으로 나아갈 수 없다. 절대로 앞으로 한 발짝의 진보도 없다. 성공하고 싶은가 목표를 달성하고 싶은가 그렇다면 아주 간단하다. 과거를 놓아버려라. 염려걱정불안의심 등등은 결코 '나'의 성공을 원하지 않는다 그러기에 '나'의 생각은 과거를 들어 내 앞 길에 택클을 걸고 있다. 그래 바로 이것이다. 생각, 과거의부정을 잔뜩 끌어 안고 있는 생각을 바꾸면 된다. 지금 있는 그곳 그지점 그곳 그일 그순간에 올인하라. 딱 바로 그순간에 집중하면 괴력이 나타난다.

바로 지금 이순간을 잡으면 성공을 잡는 것이다 그러나 이순간을 놓쳐버리면 영원을 놓치는 것이 된다. 성고을 위해 바로 지금 이순간 행동하라. 목표를 향해 바로 지금 이 순간 실천하라. 이순간을 놓치면 성공을 놓친다. 이순간을 놓치면 목표를 잃어버리게 된다.

You Keep thinking about it...

You just can't let go so you keep thinking about it.

You get upset.
You get angry.

You want to let go and move on but you can't.

Your mind won't let you.

You keep beating yourself up and you don't know why

You think of the worst, you think of how things
can't work out, why you won't succeed and
then you feel you'll never get ahead.

You can't sleep.
You toss and turn.

You're constantly worrying
A sense of panic takes over.

You need to change things now.
You need to succeed now.

You want to do something but don't know what.

You just keep hanging on to those memories.
You keep thinking about what happened.
The negative thoughts keep coming...
You just can't let go...

But you CAN let go.
And you CAN move on.

You CAN stop beating yourself up
You CAN get rid of those negative thoughts.

Today I'll show you how to let go of the past.
And get rid of those negative thoughts
so that you enjoy life again. Read on...


Today you let go of the past.

That means no longer hanging on to those
past negative thoughts and bad memories.

You're only hanging on to the past and those memories
because your mind doesn't know any better.

It doesn't have anything else to think about.

You get all those negative thoughts because that's
what you're used to thinking about, and so you
keep having more and more negative thoughts.

You want things to change.
You want things to get better.

And they will.
As soon as you take charge of your mind and
get rid of those negative thoughts you'll change your life.

You'll gain more confidence.
You'll believe in yourself.
You'll achieve all your goals.
You'll enjoy your life.
You'll make more money
You'll be happy.

But you have to get rid of the negative thoughts and begin
filling your mind with new, positive thoughts.

Those thoughts of worry, doubt, fear, and anger cripple you.
They don't allow you to succeed.
They hold you back.
Now you need to change those thoughts.
Fill your mind with positive thoughts.
Direct your subconscious to bring you what you want.
Take charge of your life and being enjoying it today
Click Here To Get Started

Your subconscious mind creates your life based on
your thoughts and beliefs.

Positive thoughts create positive beliefs.
Positive beliefs create a positive life.

Simple and powerful.
It's been proven over and over again.

That's why you need to fill your mind with positive
thoughts and positive beliefs.

Get rid of those negative thoughts and beliefs.
Don't let them dominate your life and mind.
Those negative thoughts and negative beliefs still
dominate your mind and life.

Take charge of your mind and begin directing your
inner powers to create the life you want.
So that you have the success you want.

Fill your mind with positive thoughts.
Think about why you can do something.
How you can succeed.
Why you can move forward.

Everyday, track your thoughts and get rid of the
negative thoughts and negative beliefs.
Stop thinking about why you can't do something or why you failed.
Let go of those bad memories and believe in yourself.
Direct your subconscious to create what you want everyday.
Click Here To Get Started

Negative thoughts will destroy your life.
Negative beliefs create more misery, struggle and unhappiness.
Get rid of the negative thoughts today.
Create positive and empowering beliefs today.
Believe in yourself.
You can and will achieve all your goals when you believe...
Click Here To Get Started

"I really enjoy working with your program. It's
straight forward, simple and easy to follow.
Your exercises really help and I've been able to identify and
remove a lot of negative thinking. I'm a lot more optimistic and
positive and I don't always think of or expect the worst.
This has made a real difference in my life and has helped me
improve my relationship with my husband a great deal. My co-workers
have also noticed a big difference and I just seem to be enjoying life
more than I used to. I've accomplished 2 of my 4 goals in the 6
months that I've been working with your program and I know there
are more good things to come. Thank you very much for putting
together a course like Creating Power."
Ann Coughlin
Dublin, Ireland


Fill your mind with positive thoughts.
Believe in yourself.
Create beliefs that allow you to succeed.
Direct your mind and subconscious to create what you want in life.
You have the power and ability to achieve and
do anything you want - when you have the right beliefs and the right thoughts.
Get your Inner Powers and subconscious mind working for you today.
Click Here To Get Started

Wishing you tremendous success...

Karim Hajee
Creating Power

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posted by bukook