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2012. 11. 4. 18:06 내면으로
Hi don shah!

세상을 살아 가면서 아무리 강조해도 지나침이 없고, 상기시키면 시키는 만큼 좋고, 친하면 친할수록 가가이 하면 가까이 할 수록 더욱 좋은 것이 하니 있다. "지금""이 순간"이다. 무척이나 개념적이고 추상적이라 덮어버링 수도 있다. 그러나 "지금""이 순간"이 개념이나 추상으로 보인다면 '나'너그대는 뿌리 없는 유령의 삶을 살고 있다. 주변을 한 번 휘돌아 보십시요. 무엇을 가지고 계신가요. 가족 증권 은행잔고 채권 공장.. 모두다 가지고 계신다고요. 그게 '현재'이신가요. 아닙니다. 절대로 아닙니다. '나'너그대가 갖고 있는, 살고 있는 실제와현실은 "지금''바로 이 순간"뿐입니다. 지금 바로 이 순간이 문제라면 '나'너그대의 일생은 결코 문제에서 벗 날 수 없습니다. 왜냐구요 실제현실의 삶을 사는 게 아니라 ';가상현실'에 존재하기 때문에 무엇을해도 현실엔 영향을 못미치니까 문제는 문제로 그냥 남아 모양만 바구어갑니다.

'지금''바로 이 순간'은 극복해야항 그 어떤 장애물도 대적해야한 그 어떤 대적도 아닙니다. 단지 가까이 아주 가까이 해야할 친구일 뿐입니다. '지금''이 순간'을 그대로 포올하십시요. 바로 그 순간의 문제는 스스로 비록 '나'너그대가 원하는 방법이 아닐지는 모르나 분명 확실하게 해결됩니다, 변형됩니다.

'지금'싸움을 투쟁을 걱정을 염려를 중단하고 걱정쿠쟁염려 등을 있는 그대로 '인정' 받아 들이십시요. 그러면 '지금'의 능력리 '이 슨간'의 파워가 이들을 녹입니다. 해결합니다. 매 일 매 순간 자신에게 물어보십시요. '지금'과의 관계가 어껀가 '이 순간'과 다정한 사랑스런 친구인가

The other day we talked about making the present moment your friend.
This should always be your primary goal in life. When the present
moment is your friend, you will AUTOMATICALLY be in Alignment and
in the Flow.

If this is true and the results are so beneficial, why don't most
people make the present moment their friend? Why do they fight it
and resist it? The answer lies in the power of our UNCONSCIOUS
GUIDANCE System. Remember, the UGS is simply an unconscious
survival system.

The UGS can never be in alignment with the present moment, which is
to say it can never be in alignment with Life, since its very
nature compels it to ignore, resist or at the very least devalue
the present moment. Time is what the UGS lives on. The stronger
the UGS, the more it takes over your life. Almost every thought you
think is concerned with the past or the future. When this happens
your sense of Self depends on the past for your identity and the
future for your happiness. Fear, anxiety, expectations, regrets,
guilt, anger are the dysfunctions of the UGS.

There are three ways which the UGS will resist the present moment;
first, as a means to an end, second, as an obstacle, and third as
an enemy. Let's look at all three and see if this pattern operates
in you.

To the UGS, the present moment can only be useful as a means to an
end. IT convinces you that some future moment is more important
than now, even though the future moment never comes except as
another present moment. In other words, you are never fully here
because you are always busy trying to get elsewhere.

When this happens, the present moment is regarded and treated as an
obstacle to be overcome. This is where impatience, frustration and
stress arise in our lives. Life, which is always "now", is seen as
a problem and since we are convinced we must struggle to have what
we want, that problem or struggle has to be solved before we can be
happy and fulfilled, or really start living - or so we think.

The Catch 22 here is that is for every problem we solve, another one
always pops up. So as long as the present moment is seen as an
obstacle, there will never be an end to our problems.

At worst, the present moment is treated as if it were an enemy. When
you hate what you are doing, complain about your surroundings,
curse the things that have happened or are happening, or when you
get into "should'" and "shouldn't", blaming or accusing, then you
are arguing with "what is". You are essentially making Life the
enemy and Life says, "If you want a fight, then I will show you
what fighting is all about."

The vital question you must ask yourself many times a day until you
'get it', is "What is my relationship with the present moment?"
Then become alert and find the answer. The moment you see the
dysfunction and correct it by accepting the present moment, just as
it is, you are free. After a while it almost becomes comical how
insane we can be when we fight the present moment. The good news
is we always have a choice. With observation and awareness comes
the power of choice - the choice to say "yes" to the present moment
and make it your friend.

Today will bring you a new awareness, a lesson or a manifestation
that you are making progress - IF YOU LOOK FOR IT! No matter how
large or small, please record it in your Evidence Journal. It will
only take a few moments and will AUTOMATICALLY put you in the Flow.

Truly Caring for Your Success!

Dr. Robert Anthony

P.S. It's almost November! If you have ever struggled to lose
weight, my Zero Resistance Weight Release can help you drop
the extra weight before the holidays (without dieting or pills)...
Click Here Now

935 Westbourne Dr., West Hollywood, CA 90069

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posted by bukook