온통 전부가 문제투성이로 보일 때가 있고, 온 주변이 하나하나 전부가 다 스트레스로
여겨질 때도 있다. 어느 것 하나 손을 댈수없을 것만 같은, 어느 것을 먼저 해야할지를
알수없는 혼란의 때도 또한 있다. 온통 문제로 둘러처진 분위기를 느껴질 때도 있다.
20%의 고객이 매출의 80%를 올린다. 또한 20%의 고객이 80%의 문제를 일읔다.
20%의 시간에 80%의 성과 결과를 만들어 낸다. 익히 잘 아시는 바와 같이 80/20법칙이라
불라는 경험의법칙 파레토의원리다.
온퉁 짖누르고 있는 스트레스의 80%는 겨우 20%의 문제가 만들어내고 있다.
20의 실체를 찾아내면 2015년계획의 성공출세재벌돈은 따논당상이다.
Say goodbye to “the Joneses”—Chasing symbols of success can be an all-consuming, hollow existence. Your focus on living in a larger house, driving a more luxurious car, joining the right clubs, and updating your wardrobe will bear no fruit when it comes to peace of mind. Before you make your next purchase, ask yourself these simple questions: Is this something I really need? Can I do without it? Will it make a positive difference in my life?
Live by the 80/20 Rule—In business, there’s a rule of thumb that twenty percent of the sales people will generate eighty percent of the business, and that twenty percent of your customers will create eighty percent of your problems. I’ve found both to be true. I’m suggesting that you apply the rule to your personal life. First, identify the twenty percent of problems that create eighty percent of your stress in life. Then, focus on resolving that twenty percent. You’ll be amazed at how much better you’ll feel by making progress on these major issues. I also predict you’ll get a boost in attitude from just making the list.
Unload your emotional baggage—Hate, anger, and resentment can lower an invisible ceiling on your future. Repeat to yourself the words of William Ward, “Forgiveness is the key that unlocks the handcuffs of hate.”