뉴질랜드 녹색당 국회의원 케이 로커씨는 그의 대담한 선거 약속을
지키려고 가장 큰 도시의 하나임 오크랜드의 가장 번화한 브로드웨이
거리를 거의 벗은 체 보디 페인팅으로 달렸다. 9월17일 총선에 앞서
오른쪽 날개 후보 로드니 하이드씨가 국회로 들어오기만 하면 나체로
달리겠노라고 약속했으며 열세로 고전하던 하이드씨가 선거일에 국민당
후보를 이겼다고."녹색당은 약속을 지킨다. 그래서 나는 해야만 했다"
원 놈의나라 무슨 선거 공약이 그딴 것들로, 어쨌거나 점잖은 체면에
쉽지 않은일 하셧소이다 그려 ...
Nearly-naked lawmaker runs thru town
AUCKLAND, New Zealand (AP) -- Green Party lawmaker Keith Locke delivered on a bold election promise Sunday when he ran almost naked down one of the busiest streets of New Zealand's largest city.
Clad only in briefs and body paint, Locke dashed along Broadway in Auckland's upscale business district of Newmarket while shoppers giggled and television cameras rolled.
Locke had pledged before New Zealand's general election on September 17 that he would run naked down Broadway if right-wing candidate Rodney Hide was returned to Parliament in the Auckland electorate of Epsom.Opinion polls showed Hide well behind National Party candidate Richard Worth but on election day Hide won the seat to give his ACT Party its only Parliamentary representative.
Locke carried through on his election promise Sunday, stripping down to a pair of swimming trunks and a thin coat of body paint which made it look like he was wearing a suit.
"I had to do it," Locke said. "The Greens keep their promises."
Local businessmen cleared the sidewalk for Locke's solo dash and considerately removed pavement advertising which threatened to impede his progress.
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