x-mas년말 년시 엄청난 매출이 발생하고 이를 더 올리기 위해 판매 프로모션 이벤트도
각양의 모습으로 아주 다양하다. 이 모든 파내구매는 거의 전부가 선물이다.
공적으로 사적으로, 친분으로, 계급으로, 가족으로 때로는 뇌물로도 선물 마련으로
판매매출이 일어 난다. 선물을 받고 주는 원칙이나 대상의 기준이 별도로 정해져 있지는
않다할지라도 한가지 뚜렸란 기준과원칙은 주ㅡ는 선물에 감사하여 이에 대응하여
선물을 할 수없는 사람에게 하라는 것이다.
이제는 만날 수 없는 호떡 할머니 한분이 조오3가 부근에 있었다. 주변 노숙인 걸인들의
대부 역활을 단단히 하시던 그런 노인이셨는 데 이 분이 가끔 하는 말이 이들 노숙인
걸인들이 주머니에 아무리 큰 돈이 있을지라도 들어갈 식당카페레스토랑이 없다고.
외국에서는 이들과 함께 식사하는 사회저명인사를 메스컴에서 만난다.
정말 진짜 보람있는 선물은 이런이들에게 하는 것일 게다.허나 이보다 더 멋진 게 있다.
선물을 결코 되갚을 수 없는 사람 그사람 바로'나' 자신에게 하는 선물이다.
역사의시작도 기적의시작도 사회의시작도 모든 것의 태동은 자신이 자신을 사랑한ㄴ
'나'가'나'를 사랑하는 바탕에서부터 비롯된다, 아 막막하다, 깝깝하다 어떻게 내가
'나"를 사랑하고 어떻게 내가 '나'에게 선물을 할 수있다. 이렇게 한 번 생각해 봅시다.
[난왜이리도지지리도못생겼나][안돼난안돼][못해난못해]...이런 것이 자신인 '나'를
미워하고 무시하고 멸시하는 행위다. 이런 소리말핀잔을 듣고 제대로 일할사람 도와줄
사람이 있을까요. 흔히들 부모님이나 형제지간은 무시하고 냉대해도 그들이 이해할
것이라고 생각 한다. 아니다 부모형제가까운 가족 간의 대차대조표는 종이에 물질로
나타나는 게 아니고 정서란 감정에 각인되기에 전반적인관계에 어려움을 겪는다.
하물며 나가나를 사랑하기는 커녕 잊어버리고 있다면 성공출세재벌돈은 요원하다
22 Things You Can Do to Love Yourself
We get it: self-confidence is challenging to master. It's entirely too simple to fall into a discouraging rhythm of beating yourself up, because let's be real — culture isn't always kind. However, it is possible to surmount the odds and discover a place in which loving yourself comes naturally. Try your best to tackle these 22 tasks, which promote growth, happiness, success, and wholesome self-love. We believe in you!
First and foremost, the endless barrage of self-criticisms and nit-picking must end. Learn to change the dialogue in your head! "More often than not, your belief isn’t rooted in fact, but assumption," says Dating With Dignity CEO Marni Battista. "Maybe you assume you aren’t smart because of one insignificant incident." Keep things in perspective — you're only human (one who makes mistakes once in a while!), and you are good enough.
To really gear up and switch the direction of your thoughts, try maintaining a positivity journal. This will keep your spirits up and encourage joy and gratitude.
Unless you're already in a happy, committed relationship — which is hard to attain if you're plagued with self-doubt — take a break from dating. After all, learning to love yourself first is imperative for a fulfilling romantic connection. Carve the time out to focus on yourself, because you deserve it!
It's no secret that exercise boosts your mood, which paves the way for self-love. Not to mention, taking care of your body will recharge your self-esteem!
5 Prioritize what YOU want.
Make a list of the things you love most, and why. Maybe watching Netflix with a bowl of kettle corn puts a smile on your face faster than just about anything (we feel you, girl). Or maybe you find your happy place when you're decorating cakes. Prioritize these on a scale of one to ten, and make a pact with yourself to engage in each and every one by the end of the week, the month, the year (depending on how big your list is!). Fun, right?!
Books can change your life for the better . . . the ones on this list are a wonderful starting point!
It's time to ditch the "friend" who constantly cuts you down with subtle, passive-aggressive barbs. You're on a journey, and there's no room for toxins where you're headed.
It's SO tempting to end a bad day with a bottle of cabernet, but let's face it — drinking isn't the best way to deal with your problems. Sure, a glass or two here and there is perfectly acceptable, but you know if you're popping the corks a little too often. Limit yourself to libations once a week.
Facing alone time can be intimidating if you're feeling not so good about yourself or have recently been through a major breakup. Sleeping alone at night after the end of a relationship is a scary struggle, in particular. But it's essential that you face your fears and realize you alone are fabulous company. Besides, having extra time to do everything you desire is pretty amazing! (And as for the sleeping problem? Just invest in a huge snuggly teddy bear!).
It's been your dream to visit Taiwan for years, but life got in the way and it sort of just fell down the pipeline. Now's your chance to officially make it happen while you're still young and able! Browse Pinterest for travel tips. Plan your budget. Take the time off of work. Buy the plane ticket! (In that order, more or less.) Leap on the chance, because you won't always have it.
The skin you're in will last you a lifetime, so take care of it with a thorough cleaning routine! And make sure you're always polished for the office. You don't have to go all out with a smoky eye and contour, but looking presentable, from your hairstyle to the shoes you wear, will work wonders for your confidence. Here, POPSUGAR beauty editors share their skincare and makeup tips!
Playing the guitar has been on your bucket list for ages, but you just got busy with other sh*t. It's never too late to take up a new hobby, which can be incredibly fulfilling . . . especially if you stick with it!
You've always wanted to run a marathon, but you're worried you won't make it to the end. Lace up your Nikes and train, lady! It's time to step out of your comfort zone whenever you can. Breaking out of your bubble will give you a healthy dose of self-esteem.
If your room is a mess, your life might be a mess, too. This could be an overstatement, but you'd be amazed by how far a little organizing can go. Not only will things look better, but you'll feel like everything — big and small — is falling into place, too. So cancel next Sunday's plans and take the day to clean out your closet . . . literally and figuratively.
Remember: when it comes down to it, this is your life, and you should do what you damn well please with it. You can make your dreams happen; you can become everything you've ever wanted. It all starts with a little self-love.