

bukook 2012. 5. 28. 10:06

Hi Don shah,

대통령은 한 사람 뿐인 데 성공한 사람은 주변에 아주 많이 있다. 각기의 분야에서 성공한 그 사람들의 얘기를 들어보면 공통점의 공통분모는 하나 같이 "할 수있다는 자신감이 일어났다"" 성공하겠다는 자신감이 있었다." 자시감이 어디서 왔을까, 자신감을 누구로부터 받았는가. 자신감을 어떻게 구할 수 있는가. 미국의 성공학 강사연사세미나강의서적들이 긴긴 세월 스테디셀러들이 다른단어, 시대적언어, 감성적어귀, 자극적충족표현, 등등으로 형용사부사어순을 달리할 뿐 빈센트노먼필 얼나이팅게일의 원초적 원칙과 완전히 똑 같다, 꼭같다, 단지 조사연구가 더 보태졌을 뿐이다. 자신감자존감자기사랑 등 인위적으로 성공에 필요한, 행복에 필요한 비등점절대온도임계점 100도에 절대로 결코 도달할 수가 없다. 오히려 성취에 도달하지 못한 좌절 스틀스만 더해질 뿐이다.

성공으로 나가는 마음의 자세mindset 정신적태도가 갖추ㅓ지기까지 성공궤도 진입은요원하다. 필요한 건하나이다. 이 하나를 하기까지 성공은 자위요 마스터베이션이요 허상이다.부정적생각 부정적신념이 그것이다. 실제 우리는 이 부정적생각 부정적신념이 들어온 상황상태를 인지하지 못하고 있다. 슬그머니 아주 자연럽게 등 뒤로 다가와서는 '그건안돼""안돼부족해""넌못해" 등을 만들어내게 한다. 아주 자그마하고 지극히 의미 없어 보이는 이 작은 부정의 씨앗이 주변매스컴환경ㅇ으로부터 힘을 얻어 쫙 퍼져나간다.

자신감을 억지로 고취할려고 들면 자신감을 강화시켜줄 사실들이 그리도 없다. 그러나 염려 없다. 별로 없다는 부정적인 생각사고를 버리는 것이 자신감 획득의 첫걸음이다. 긍정적 마인드, 행복한기분을 창조함으로 부정적 팩터를 대체하라. 이 부정적인 생각사고신념은 매순간매시간매일 끊임 없이 몰려 온다., 생각의 궤도를 추적하라 그리고 맞닫뜨리는 그 부정을 창조한 긍정으ㅗ 대체하라. 계속계속...성공할 때까지 시행실행해야 한다. 온 전체로 퍼지기 전 순간순간에 제거해야 한다.

인생은 시간에 있는 게 아니고 다만 순간에만 있다. 인간은 시간이 아니고 순간이다.

They keep coming.

You try to push them out of your head.
You try to get rid of them.
You don't want to believe them.

But they're so strong that they just spread.
And before you know it you're feeling negative and
doubt you'll ever succeed.
Then you give up and say: "what's the point?"

They're negative thoughts and negative beliefs.

They destroy any chance for success.

They don't help you and they just make you feel like there's no hope.

These negative thoughts tell you that you can't,
that you don't know how, that you're not good enough,
that you'll never succeed at anything.

At first you don't believe them.
But they spread like weeds and eventually you believe them.

Then life gets worse, a lot worse.

Sure you want more.
Yes you want a better life.
You may even think that you deserve it.

But then, just as you start to think maybe I can...

Those negative thoughts creep back in and force you to give up.

Well it doesn't have to be that way.
You can turn things around.
And today I'm showing you how, so read on...


Getting rid of negative thoughts is a top priority.
No matter what you do, what you try, what books you read
you won't create the success or changes you want until you
get rid of those negative thoughts.

Now you won't be able to get rid of all your negative thoughts.

So get rid of the negative thoughts that don't allow you to succeed.

Any thought that says you can't or don't know how needs to be
changed or eliminated.

At first this won't be easy.

Your mind will fight back.
It will insist on keeping those negative thoughts.
Then they'll get stronger.

That's because these thoughts and beliefs are
planted on your subconscious mind.

You can't just reach in and pluck them out
(like you do with weeds).

Instead, you have to re-direct the subconscious.
Give it new information.
Give it new thoughts and beliefs to follow.

So take a gentle approach and every time you catch
yourself having a negative thought change it.
Then give it some support, like why you can instead
of why you can't.

For example: if you want to make more money but
you get a thought that says:
"I can't make more money. I don't know how."
Replace those thoughts with something like:
"I do know how to make more money, and I
can make more money."

Now comes the tricky part.
Give yourself reasons why you can make more money
or why you can achieve what you want.

At first you probably won't come up with answers.
If that happens - think back to when you earned your first dollar.
If you've ever earned a single dollar then you
know how to make money.

If you want to meet the right person then
think back to when you first met someone you
were interested in or your first relationship.

This is how you give your subconscious mind new directions.
When you keep giving yourself reasons you start to believe.

First you start to believe that maybe you can.
Then that belief gets stronger.
And when you believe without a doubt that you can
that's when real changes happen - quickly.

Track your thoughts.
Get rid of the negative thoughts.
Create new positive thoughts.
Give yourself reasons to succeed.
Believe in yourself.
Continue to direct your subconscious and your inner powers.
Give them new beliefs to follow today
Click Here To Get Started

Your thoughts and beliefs create your life.

What ever you think and believe you will see in your life.

Your subconscious and your inner powers follow your thoughts and
beliefs as instructions.

They bring you exactly what you think and believe.

When you think and believe that it's difficult to make money
then you will always get into situations that make it difficult
to make money.

If you think and believe that it's hard to meet the right person
then you will always have a hard time meeting the right person.

So get rid of the negative thoughts and beliefs.
Eliminate them.
Replace the negative thoughts and beliefs with positive
thoughts and beliefs.
Tell your subconscious and your inner powers to bring you
what you want so that you enjoy your life and
achieve the success you want today:

You can achieve your goals.
You can live the life you want.
You can make more money.
You can meet the right person.
You can enjoy better health.
You can be free do what you want when you want.

You are a powerful person.
More powerful than you realize.
You can achieve anything you want when you direct
your subconscious mind and your
inner powers.
Start doing that today.
Tell your subconscious mind and your inner powers
exactly what you want so that you
get what you want - easily
lick Here To Get Started

Wishing you continued success...

Karim Hajee
Creating Power