요즈음은 잘 모르겠다. 7~80년대초 싱가포르 등 동남아 에서 혼다가내어 놓은 아코드
중고차의 값이 새 차를 상회하여 거래 된 적이 있었다. 우리 주변에서도 흔히보는 일 중 하나가
젊은 여자얘들이 느들느들해진 명품을 다른 브랜드의 새것보다 더욱 가까이 끼고 사는 것일
게다. 시간이 지날수록 더욱 빛이나고, 더욱 고귀해지고, 더욱 소중해지고, 더욱더 정이가고
더더욱 사랑스러워지고,더더더...이게 바로 '킁아식''고전'명품'의 속성이고 고전이다.
'나'의 아내. '나'의 남편이 이들이야마로 '클라식'중의 '클라식'이요 명품 중의 '명품'이다
세상 아니 우주 그 어디에도 '나'의 남편 같은 남자없고 '나'의 아내 같은 여자 없다.과게에도
없었고 장래미래에도 결단코 나타날 수없는 하늘아래 땅위에 유일무이한 존재 아닌가.
너와나 우리 모두가 추구하는 것 궁극적으로 궁극적인 것은 돈 명예 지위 등이 아니고
이를 통해 이와 더불어 누리고자는 것 바로 '행복'이다. 행복한삶 행복한인생 행복한일셍
궁극의궁극 '아행복하다' '참행복한가정''나는행복하였노라' 행복행복행복...그길이있다.
좀만더있다면, 좀만더높은지위라면, 좀만더나은직장이라면, 좀만더나은관계라면 좀만더스마터하면
좀만 좀만... 좀만이 이어지고 좀만이 반복되면 될수록 행복은 그만큼씩 아니 그이상 기하급수적으로
멀어져 가다. 좀만좀더가 왜 나올까 왜 계속중복반복연속 되어질가
111.결코 '나'유일한 유일무이한 나를 무수히 늘린 바닷가 모래보다도 더 많은 타인남다른사람과
비교하지말라.'모자란나' 이대로의 '나'는 지금으로 '완전한나'다. '완전'을 어디다 비교하냐
222. 남타인다른사람이 던지는 흘리는 표현하는 발설하는 나타내는 말하는 칭찬을 낙하시켜
버리지 말라. '나'의 힘 '나'의 긍정성을 가잘 잘 나타낸다 타인의 눈에 비친 '나'를
가슴에담이 두라
333. '나'의 정체를 알자 철학 아니다. '나'가 잘하는일 '나'의 약점을 충분히 인식하라.
아킬레스에 집착하라는 말이 아니고 약점을 알 때 자기인식 깨달음이 보다 빨리 온다
'나'가 누구라는 사실에 가슴이 펴지고 당당해지고 어디서든 앞장 설수 있는 뱃심이 생긴다
‘There is nothing you have to do, get or be in order to be happy.’ – Srikumar Rao
Do you ever find yourself saying the following:
‘I would be happier if I was in another profession…’
‘I would be happier if I was more attractive…’
‘I would be happier if I was in the right relationship…’
‘I would be happier if I had nicer clothes/ a bigger house/more money…’
In our culture we put so much pressure on achieving MORE wealth, of being MORE than other people and on just having MORE in general that we often forget that we are all already enough – exactly as we are.
You need to realize that everything you need to be completely happy and MORE is already inside of YOU.
Because when you spend your time wishing you were somebody else, regretting what you have or have not done, analyzing your every flaw – you are driving yourself further and further away from your life’s happiness.
There is so much that only you are able to offer to this world. There are so many unique talents and gifts that only you are able to give. Your goals, dreams and aspirations are as unique to you as your DNA.
So look yourself in the eye, appreciate yourself for EVRYTHING that you are – imperfections and all – and celebrate the uniqueness of YOU. Instead of looking for things you aren’t so good at or ways in which you think you should change, why not spend more time looking at what already makes you perfect? Look for the not-so-obvious gifts and talents that you bring into the world. You could be a good listener, a thoughtful friend, patient with children or good at making others laugh. Whatever gifts and traits you have to offer, learn to recognize that they are all important and valued – a lot more than you probably realize!
It is by doing this and only this, that you will suddenly find that you have the strength, determination and grit that you need to create and live a life that you are helplessly happy in.
So, how can you embrace your uniqueness to begin living a happier, more authentic life?
>>> Stop comparing yourself to others. Comparison is the biggest thief of joy. So if you could stop getting wrapped up in what other people are doing, and instead, take a long, hard look at who you are, then all of a sudden your self-value will begin to go up and up.
>>> Don’t brush off compliments. Don’t shoot down a compliment that comes your way. Seeing yourself through the eyes of another person is one of the most powerful ways a person can view their own strengths and positive traits. So the next time a compliment comes your way, be gracious, be thankful, and really take it to heart.
>>> Identify your strengths. It’s important to be able to identify your strengths, in order to feel good about who you are and what you have to offer. Knowing your weaknesses is equally as important – this isn’t something to get hung up on however, it’s simply having the self-awareness to better understand yourself and know in which areas you excel and which you can work on.
Remind yourself of who you truly are; because there is no one else on this earth quite like you, and there never will be. Remember that.
Here’s to being uniquely you!
What makes YOU unique? Share and celebrate yourself in the comments below.